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Community Leadership

The Community Foundation provides leadership to identify and address the most promising opportunities and critical challenges facing our communities. As both a funder and convener, The Community Foundation’s initiatives inspire neighbors – donors, community organizations, government, and the private sector – to work together to improve the economic conditions and social well-being of our entire community.

Pursue Economic Justice

To make our vision for economic justice a reality, we are putting powerful economic strategies to work in the parts of our community experiencing the deepest disparities in homeownership and income.

Guaranteed Income Pilots

With over 100 pilots currently operating around the country, guaranteed income programs have proven to be one of the most promising approaches to lift people out of poverty and provide greater economic stability for families. The Greater Washington Community Foundation is an early adopter and investor in several guaranteed income pilots throughout our region.

Children’s Savings Program

Researchers have found that children’s savings accounts seeded with a modest amount of funding could help close the racial wealth gap in a community by as much as 28 percent. The Community Foundation is embarking on a pilot program to establish and seed funds for two kindergarten classes in our priority neighborhoods that can be redeemed at graduation to pay for higher education, purchase a home, start a business, or take other steps toward securing their future.

Address Community Needs 

The Community Foundation and our donors respond to both acute and everyday crises to help stabilize and improve the quality of life for our neighbors and communities.


Reimagine, formerly known as the Greater Washington Workforce Development Collaborative, is a coalition of funders committed to co-creating solutions alongside communities and people to advance systemic economic justice rooted in reimagining, redistributing, and rebalancing work, opportunity, and sustainability.

Reimagine is working toward a vision for an equitable and just Greater Washington region where each person has the agency to define what a productive and creative life means and the opportunity to lead that life which allows for material comfort, sustainability and growth.

The Partnership to End Homelessness in DC

We believe that all DC residents deserve a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home. The Partnership to End Homelessness, led with the DC Interagency Council on Homelessness, is the first-of-its-kind initiative in DC to bring together the public and private sectors to ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and nonrecurring. The initiative includes an impact investment focused on increasing the supply of deeply affordable housing and a grantmaking fund to help more people obtain and maintain stable housing, and ultimately end homelessness in DC.

Accelerating the Community Safety Ecosystem in DC

 The Greater Washington Community Foundation and Public Welfare Foundation are establishing a partnership to develop a single, comprehensive violence reduction strategy that leads us to community safety and promotes overall well-being for residents of the District of Columbia.

Driven by a Core Team of strategic partners, the initiative will guide a 5-year agenda that will position comprehensive solutions as a successful strategy for community safety and harm reduction.

Strengthen Neighborhoods

The Community Foundation uses data to direct resources toward neighborhoods with the greatest needs and the community-based organizations that serve them. 


Voices of the Community: DC, Maryland, Virginia (VoicesDMV), is a community listening and engagement initiative conducted every three years to help understand the diverse experiences of the people who live and work in the Greater Washington region. VoicesDMV uplifts community voice through a community-wide survey and community conversations to explore the issues impacting the region. The result is a rich collection of data that has informed more strategic and effective investments by The Community Foundation and our partners.