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A special conversation with Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich

Join us for a special conversation with Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich to explore the most pressing challenges and opportunities on the horizon for Montgomery County. Dr. Steve Woolf will also present findings from the recent report, "Uneven Opportunities: How Conditions for Wellness Vary Across the Metropolitan Washington Region."

This event is for The Community Foundation’s donors, local funders, and companies interested in giving in Montgomery County. If you have any questions, please contact Kate Daniel at

These quarterly free lunch events provide representatives of local companies and foundations with an opportunity to get acquainted, learn more about Montgomery County funding priorities, and share best practices. The events are open to grantmakers only, and each time we have anywhere from 15 to 30 attendees. There is a different topic for each luncheon – education, health care, etc. – selected in advance by the group.