Ways to Give

As your philanthropic interest grows, increasing your fund will allow you to provide critical support for the causes most important to you and your family now and in the future. You can increase your fund at The Community Foundation at any time through a current or planned gift. We are available to assist with your charitable gift planning and would be happy to work with you and/or your professional advisor.

All donations to The Community Foundation are subject to our Terms & Conditions for Component Funds.

If you need assistance, please contact Rachel Crawford, Director of Finance, at rcrawford@thecommunityfoundation.org.

The Community Foundation’s Federal Tax ID: 23-7343119

Gifts Made Via Credit Card

Gifts can be made online at www.thecommunityfoundation.org/donate.

Gifts Made Via Cryptocurrency

Mailing Address for Gifts by Check

Greater Washington Community Foundation
P.O. Box 49010
Baltimore, MD 21297-4910 (include 4-digit code 4910, or processing may be delayed)

Please include donor’s name/receiving fund name in memo section of the check.

* All other mail correspondence should be sent to:

Greater Washington Community Foundation
1325 G Street NW, Suite 480
Washington, DC 20005

ACH (Automated Clearing House)

ACH information available upon request. Please include donor’s name/fund name in reference section of the transfer.

Please contact donorservices@thecommunityfoundation.org.

Wire Instructions for Gifts of Cash

Wire transfer information available upon request. Please include donor’s name/fund name in reference section of the transfer.

Please contact donorservices@thecommunityfoundation.org.

Wire Instructions for Gifts of Securities

Our custodian for the facilitation of stock gifts is SEI Private Trust Company. Please contact donorservices@thecommunityfoundation.org to request wire transfer information.

Please include donor’s name/fund name in reference section of the transfer. Note: Gifts of mutual funds require special handling. Please contact us for more information.

Types of Gifts we can accept

The Community Foundation can accept many forms of simple, complex, or deferred gifts, such as:

Liquid Assets

Cash, credit card (online gift), cryptocurrency, or publicly traded securities held long term can easily be used to add philanthropic resources to a fund. A gift of appreciated securities provides you an immediate charitable deduction for the full market while avoiding capital gains taxes typically due upon sale.

Complex assets

Contributing closely held stocks, bonds, mutual funds, partnership interests, real estate or other real assets to your fund may provide you with an income tax deduction based on the fair market value of the gift and eliminate capital gains taxes.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are age 70½ and older, you can direct up to $100,000 from a traditional IRA to charity and have it count toward your Required Minimum Distribution. Traditional IRA funds are not subject to income tax when given directly to a charity. However, IRA Charitable Rollover gifts may NOT be given to a donor-advised fund. You may give to other types of funds at The Community Foundation or to our unrestricted funds. Check with us about how to direct a rollover gift to a fund at The Community Foundation, then consult your retirement fund manager to complete the gift.

Legacy gifts

Planned gifts allow you to make provisions for future philanthropy, often while providing tax advantages now or in the future. We strongly encourage you to meet with your professional advisor(s) prior to executing a planned gift. Planned gift options at The Community Foundation include:

  • Bequest in a will or living trust

  • Beneficiary designation on a retirement account: IRA, 401K, 403B

  • Beneficiary designation on a brokerage or other financial account

  • Gift of life insurance: either a current gift or a future beneficiary designation

  • Charitable remainder trust charitable beneficiary designation

Private foundation assets

Your existing private foundation may be converted into a fund within The Community Foundation. You can retain the name and purpose of the private foundation while alleviating the administrative and compliance burdens.

funds that fundraise

Fundraising for your fund is permitted, but subject to 90-day prior approval by The Community Foundation. Please contact your philanthropic advisor to discuss your plan for fundraising and refer to the complete Funds That Fundraise Policy

Impact Investing

An investment in the Enterprise Community Impact Note supports the Partnership to End Homelessness and its efforts to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in DC.

While earning a fixed return, your investment dollars are used to help create and preserve affordable housing. Your investment can help more DC residents obtain stable and affordable housing. 

Learn more