
Introducing the Greater Washington Community Foundation

This week the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region is undergoing some exciting new changes as we transition to the Greater Washington Community Foundation. We’ll still be doing the same great work serving our region, but now with a new name, logo, website, and office address for DC-based staff.

Please update your records! 

Effective July 5, 2017, our headquarters in Washington, DC has moved to:
1325 G Street NW, Suite 480, Washington, DC 20005

Our phone numbers will remain the same; however, staff email addresses have changed to 

The Community Foundation was originally incorporated in 1973 to make community change through charitable giving easy, flexible, tax-smart, efficient and, above all, personal. Since that time, The Community Foundation has grown into the largest funder of nonprofits in the region while also managing charitable giving funds of all sizes. We may have expanded over the years, but our commitment to our community has never wavered. Community is at the center of our work and we exist to help our region thrive and be more resilient.

Last year, we began implementing a new strategic plan with new Board and staff leadership in place. As we listened to our community, it became clear that our name and visual identity needed to better reflect the region we serve and be inclusive of our local work. We decided it was the right time to redefine our organization to better communicate who we are, and why we exist.

We are excited to unveil our new name and logo for the Greater Washington Community Foundation that were designed to represent the power of generous giving. Just as seeds of a plant flourish with proper care, so too does our community flourish when we work together in a spirit of giving. The four-leaf like symbols represent the four communities we serve in the District of Columbia, Montgomery County, Northern Virginia, and Prince George’s County.

Although our name and visual identity have changed, we remain committed to mobilizing philanthropy through leading, partnering, and serving with others in the community. We have deep roots in this region and we respect our heritage. At the same time, we are evolving and innovating to be the best stewards of philanthropic engagement for Greater Washington’s community of givers and partners to our nonprofit grantees.

Check out our new website to find out more about how we plan to continue leveraging the resources in our region for the greatest impact.



Bruce McNamer

President & CEO, Greater Washington Community Foundation

1325 G Street NW, Suite 480 | Washington, DC 20005