Lead Partners
The Partnership to End Homelessness in DC is led by the Greater Washington Community Foundation and the District Government’s Interagency Council on Homelessness.
The Greater Washington Community Foundation has a long history of galvanizing philanthropy, business, and local government to address urgent community needs. Since 1973, it has distributed nearly $1.3 billion to build thriving communities in the Greater Washington region. Leveraging its experience as a convener and advocate, The Community Foundation offers expertise, leadership and the ability to support community partners advancing solutions on the ground.
The District of Columbia Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) is a group of Cabinet-level officials and Mayoral-appointed community representatives charged with facilitating interagency and cross-sector coordination in planning, policymaking, program development, and system performance monitoring for the District’s homeless services system.
Our Investment Partners
Our partners are committed to ending homelessness in DC.
Want to join the fight to end homelessness in DC? If you are interested in financial partnership, you can donate or contact us to discuss how you can make an impact as a partner in this effort.
Peter R. Kolker
Kovler Fund
LLK Fund
David and Jackie Marlin
James M. and Virginia W. Newmyer Family Fund
William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation
Shiffrin Family Foundation
Neal & Jennifer Simon
Sterling Speirn
Katharine Weymouth
Inaugural Challenge Partners
Daniel and Karen Mayers
Our Nonprofit Partners
Community Solutions
Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)
DC Action
DC Fiscal Policy Institute
DC Jobs with Justice
Educated Eats/Hook Hall Helps
Empower DC
Fair Budget Coalition
Friendship Place
Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND)
Housing Counseling Services
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments - Regional Racial Equity Systems Audit for Homeless Services
Miriam’s Kitchen & The Way Home Campaign
ONE DC: Organizing Neighborhood Equity
Open Arms Housing
Pathways to Housing DC
People for Fairness Coalition
Serve Your City
SMYAL - Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders
The Urban Institute
Washington Legal Clinic for The Homeless
Our Leadership Council
Our Leadership Council advances the Partnership’s work to engage the private sector more deeply in combating homelessness. The Partnership’s Leadership Council members include:
Amanda Andere, Funders Together to End Homelessness
Karen Dale, AmeriHealth Caritas
Anand Dholakia, The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Kimberly Harris, CareFirst BlueCross Blueshield
Alecia Hill, FCP
George Leventhal, Kaiser Permanente
Kelly Lynch, Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation
Alison McWilliams, Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
Andrew Vincent, Horning Brothers
Mike Schwartz, The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation