Changing Lives, One Student at a Time

OST Scholarship Recipient Kooper Brisbon enjoys time on the playground at an After-School Program


This Summer, The Community Foundation reached an exciting milestone, distributing more than $500,000 in funding to support students in DC. Established in 2021 through DC’s Learn 24 Office, The Community Foundation has distributed ‘Out of School Time’ (OST) scholarships to support more than 170 students and their families through a wide range of programs including:

Advanced Coursework

Research has recently shed light on a phenomenon known as the Achievement Trap -- the systemic neglect experienced by high-achieving students from lower-income families. In DC, there are thousands of such students that overcome challenging socioeconomic circumstances everyday in order to excel academically. However, even bright children need extra support to achieve their full potential. Extracurricular programs like writing camps and advanced STEM classes can stretch the minds of talented students and help them take their knowledge to the next level.

Remedial Programs

Starting-line disparities hinder educational mobility. Many DCPS students start school needing extra support. Others have special learning needs that require additional assistance. The extra support and additional assistance needed is often out of the financial reach of DCPS families. Through the Learn 24 OST scholarship grant, The Community Foundation has helped students and families access programs that provide individual tutoring that helps students build the foundation for academic success.

Nurturing Creativity

There are countless stories of the challenging child whose shining accomplishment is creative talent. By giving children the space, opportunity, and encouragement to pursue their own passions and dreams, self-confidence and feelings of love and acceptance are instilled. Since its inception in 2021, the Learn 24 OST grant has provided dozens of students the opportunity to explore their creative interests through cooking classes, art programs, and music lessons. Creating a natural culture of fulfillment that will have lasting effects well into their adulthood.

Social Support

Problem-solving, imagination, critical thinking… they’re all cognitive skills necessary to keeping a competitive edge in today’s ever-changing world. Developing these skills in socio-economically disadvantaged households often requires the type of wraparound services and support provided through the Learn24 network. Over the past year, through the Learn 24 OST grant, dozens of DC students have benefited from life-changing speech therapies, life-skills development camps, and world culture camps and classes that enrich their physical, mental, and emotional health.

OST Scholarship Award Statistics

Student Success Stories

We are excited to share the impact of this incredible initiative, including testimonials from several families who were beneficiaries:

I can’t begin to explain the impact this grant will have on my son’s future and on his confidence. The past 3 years have been strenuous and the amount of assistance he needs is not easily found and funded.

This will make sure his transition into middle school will be a little less difficult and more importantly, give him the foundation he needs in order to succeed in life. Thank you thank you!
— Parent Allison Farouidi after her son Emil Farouidi was awarded $10,000 to support specialized tutoring for his needed for learning needs.
I am truly thankful for this scholarship opportunity for my son Kooper. As a single mom, I did not have the resources to pick up my child at the regular dismissal time. Because of the OST Youth Scholarship Program, Kooper will be able to continue learning beyond the classroom.

I am also excited that Koop will be able to continue his studies at Lee Montessori-East End Campus. Thanks for giving my son the chance to thrive and become someone great in life!
— Janille Brisbon after her son, Kooper was awarded $4,000 to support his academic after school programming at Lee Montessori East End.

Due to high demand, the Learn 24 OST scholarship program is not accepting new applications at this time. For information about available grant and scholarship opportunities, please visit our website!

Celebrating Community Leadership in Prince George's County

This month, The Community Foundation recognized outstanding community leaders in Prince George’s County ahead of the Civic Leadership Awards at MGM National Harbor on October 19. The award ceremony marks the 25th anniversary of The Community Foundation in Prince George’s County.

“As a Prince George’s County resident, I am personally grateful for your consistent efforts to strengthen our community,” President & CEO Tonia Wellons shared at a Nonprofit Breakfast hosted at the Employ Prince George’s Headquarters in Largo.

“As a Community Foundation, our work could not happen without you. You all make us Prince George’s Proud.

That feeling is one that, many nonprofit leaders say, is mutual.

“We are ambassadors of the work that you do,” shared one nonprofit leader. “When the pandemic hit, The Community Foundation was there. They asked what we needed. They asked what our constituents needed. They took the time to listen to us – and from what I can see, they heard us.”

“We don’t do this for the recognition; we do this for the community,” another leader shared. “So for The Community Foundation to put in the time and effort to create this space for nonprofit leaders to network and be recognized by the broader community, is pretty special.”

While all of our nonprofit partners do incredible work, The Community Foundation has nominated the following individuals for the 2023 Nonprofit Leader of the Year Award – in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Prince George’s County:

  • Lisa Butler McDougal, Executive Director of Sowing Empowerment & Economic Development (SEED)

  • Sandy Washington, Executive Director of Community Outreach & Development Corp (CDC)

  • Cheryl Petty Garnette, Executive Director of Ivy Community Charities of Prince George’s County

  • Maryann Dillon, Executive Director of Housing Initiative Partnership (HIP)

Voting for the 2023 Nonprofit Leader of the Year Award is now open. Community members are encouraged to text ‘MCDOUGAL’, ‘WASHINGTON’, ‘GARNETTE’, or ‘DILLON’ to 240-830-8131 (in all Capital Letters) to cast their vote. The winner will be announced at the Civic Leadership Awards on October 19th and recognized alongside her fellow nominees.

“Our theme for the Civic Leadership Awards this year is ‘Imagine’,” Darcelle Wilson, Senior Director of The Community Foundation in Prince George’s County shared. “As we celebrate our first 25 years, we are so grateful for incredible partners who help us ‘imagine’ what is possible for the next 25 years – and beyond!”

From Left to Right: Marcus Braxton (Chief Operating Officer), Darcelle Wilson (Senior Director), Jonathan Harris (2023 ELOY Nominee), and Charnell Ferguson (2023 ELOY Nominee)

The Community Foundation also celebrated members of the Emerging Leaders Impact Fund – a group of young professionals who mobilize the power of philanthropy to make a positive difference in Prince George’s County.

“The Emerging Leaders Impact Fund is about the future,” ELIF Chair Davion Percy shares. “It’s about looking at how we set up future generations to learn about philanthropy and how they can give back to their community.”

Four Emerging Leaders were nominated for the 2023 Emerging Leader of the Year Award – in recognition of their leadership and contributions to Prince George’s County.

  • Vince Harrington, Executive Director of the Maryland Democratic Party

  • Albert T. Lewis, Principal of Largo High School

  • Jonathan Harris, Founder of Million Paths Foundation, Inc

  • Charnell Ferguson, Director of Constituent Services, Office of At-Large Councilmember Mel Franklin

The winner of the 2023 Emerging Leader Award will also be announced at the Civic Leadership Awards on October 19th.

Launched in 2020, ELIF’s goal is to help young professionals realize the positive impact that they can have in Prince George’s County. Each year, members come together to network and pool their resources and expertise to address key community needs. In 2022, the ELIF cohort focused on economic justice and closing the racial wealth gap.

ELIF Nonprofit Partner Lisa Rowe (Founder & CEO of LEEP to College Foundation), shares the impact that ELIF’s funding has had on young people in Prince George’s County.

“Closing the racial wealth gap starts with our young people,” Lisa Rowe, Founder and CEO of LEEP to College Foundation – a nonprofit dedicated to helping Prince George’s County youth achieve academic and economic success shared. Rowe shared how ELIF’s funding allowed the organization to partner with Ally Financial to pilot an entrepreneurship institute to help high school students learn how to start their own businesses.

“I’m so grateful to be a part of this amazing program,” one ELIF nominee shared. “Being here with so many incredible leaders, doing incredible things – all of us are here because of people who helped us pave this road to success. Now we get to come together to create an avenue for others in Prince George’s County.”

Click here for more photos from the ELIF Event and the Nonprofit Breakfast! For more information about ELIF, visit our website or contact Eliza Tolbert-Howard at

Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Civic Leadership Awards – October 19th at MGM National Harbor! Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Visit our website for more information!

Remembering Alexine Clement Jackson’s Spirit of Commitment and Excellence

The Greater Washington Community Foundation is deeply saddened by the passing of Alexine Clement Jackson, an extraordinary leader, philanthropist, and mentor.

She was a beloved member of the Greater Washington Community Foundation family –a long-time donor and fundholder who became a Trustee in 1999, served as our Board Chair from 2002-2006, and eventually received the coveted Civic  Spirit Award (later renamed the Spirit of Philanthropy Award) in 2006 for her many contributions to the health and vitality of our region. A deeply committed board member, she also chaired the Community Investment Committee and supported many of our major initiatives including serving on the Steering Committee of the Greater Washington Creative Communities Initiative that leveraged investments for artists and art-making in the region.

“Alexine Clement Jackson was a friend, mentor and a great leader. She was the epitome of class and style. When she walked into a room, heads turned and acknowledged her entrance, not just because of her beauty, but because of the spirit of commitment and excellence that she carried into every room. She was the first and only African American chair of The Community Foundation and it was under her leadership that we decided to host an annual fundraising event. She served as an ambassador for breast cancer awareness having survived the disease twice. I'm saddened to hear of her passing but it is clear God needed her more than we did. My heartfelt condolences to her children and grandchildren. Mrs. Alexine Clement Jackson will be greatly missed,” said Terri Lee Freeman, former President and CEO of The Community Foundation (1996-2014), 2023 Spirit of Philanthropy Award Recipient, and current Executive Director of the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture. 

Alexine Clement Jackson devoted her life to community and civic organizations and received numerous awards both locally and nationally for her work, including Washingtonian of the Year. She was Board Chair of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, former National President of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), president of Black Women's Agenda, and Chair of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. She was also Board Chair of The Washington Performing Arts Society and was on the board of many arts organizations including the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Strathmore Hall, and Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts.

“I was blessed to work with Alexine. She was a renowned and respected leader in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. She was also a beloved arts leader. I had the honor to work with her closely when she was Chair of our Community Investment Committee and when she served on the Steering Committee for the Creative Communities Initiative. I still remember everything she taught me about leadership when we worked together over 15 years ago to try and strengthen the support system for artists in our region. She taught me the importance of communicating ‘what success looks like’ by painting a clear picture, and helping others see the vision clearly. I will never forget how warm, loving, committed, and kind she was—and how elegant, strong, graceful, and focused. I can still feel her presence. My heart goes out to her friends and family,” said Silvana Straw, Senior Community Investment Officer and Philanthropic Advisor at The Community Foundation.

Connecting Budget to Advocacy

Earlier this week, the Greater Washington Community Foundation convened DC-based nonprofits for an in-depth conversation about how to leverage the DC Budget process.

Hosted by The Community Foundation’s Health Equity Fund, the event was the second in the Partner Learning Series designed to host convenings around the issues that are most impactful to the work and mission of the Fund.

Following the Fund’s historic $12.5 million investment in health advocacy, policy, and systems change, partners were interested in meeting with a major stakeholder in their advocacy work – the DC Government – to ask questions about how they can more effectively advocate for more equitable outcomes in the budget process.

In recent months, the DC Budget process has garnered national media attention– leaving many grassroots advocates wondering what they can do to strengthen their case for support with local leaders.

“It’s so important to leverage the power that’s in this room,” shared Misty Thomas, the Executive Director of Center for Court Excellence who proposed the event. “Even though we may advocate on different issues, we need to work together to make the budget more effective, more equitable, and more participatory.”

The event featured a panel discussion with DC Budget Director Jennifer Budoff, Budget Counsel and Chief of Staff Anne Phelps, and was moderated by Kim Perry, Executive Director of DC Action. The panel explored a wide range of topics from the timing of the budget process to how to structure a budget request.

“The DC Budget is a document that should represent the priorities of those that live in this city,” DC Budget Director, Jennifer Budoff shared. “That includes all of you, and the incredible advocacy work that you’re doing.”

Budoff and Phelps explained that, in accordance with the DC Home Rule Act, each year (usually around the end of March) the DC Mayor submits a budget proposal to the City Council. Over the next few months, the DC Council works with the DC Budget Office to review and make changes to the budget that reflect the community’s priorities as well as adjustments based on projected revenue streams.

What’s the best thing organizers can do to ensure their issues get funding? “Advocate early and often,” Phelps said.

“The earlier you reach out to the Mayor and DC Council, the more familiar they will be with the issues you’re advocating for and the more likely they are to champion you when it comes time to finalize the budget.”

Phelps and Budoff encouraged partners to begin their outreach in the fall and early winter – long before the public Budget Forums that the Mayor hosts in early February.

“Sitting down and talking to us about the work that you do is truly invaluable,” Budoff said. “We need to know these details – it is so helpful as we navigate the nuances of balancing a budget.”

Budoff and Phelps encouraged partners to find their champions within DC Council who could help advocate for their issues – even if that member doesn’t sit on the right committee.

“It’s important to understand who has an interest in your cause,” Budoff explained. “Even if they chair a different committee, Council Members will sometimes set aside surplus money from their committee and direct it to a different one if it means they can fund the issues they care about.”

“Obviously, you should start with the Committee that oversees your area of advocacy,” Budoff continued. “But it’s never bad to share your priorities with every Council Member you meet. You never know who could make the difference for you.”

On the subject of difference-makers, Phelps explained that when making a funding request, it helps to be as specific as possible – breaking down the costs into line items. This provides valuable context for Council staff during the budget reconciliation process. She also encouraged partners to print off their asks as a one-pager that can be left with Council Members and easily shared with budget staff during the reconciliation process.

Similarly, Budoff said that it also helps if you can list your budget asks in order of importance so Council staff can consider funding the most essential asks first. She explained that in some cases, some initiatives can be earmarked to be funded with ‘contingent revenue’ – meaning the funding is conditional on the outcome of the City’s Quarterly Revenue Estimates.

“Incrementalism is key, when it comes to budgeting,” Budoff added. “It’s about taking things bite by bite.”

Above all, Budoff and Phelps encouraged partners to be active in reaching out and engaging with City officials – especially when it comes to the budget process.

“Oversight, oversight, oversight,” Budoff insisted. “That’s the secret to success. Set up a time to meet with Council staff and help keep us in the loop.”

“Because of the work you do every day, you know what’s working and not working,” Phelps added. “Use that to build relationships with DC Council and their staff. Help inform us so we can do our jobs and get you to your end goals and budget.”

For more information on the DC Council Budget Process, visit

The Greater Washington Community Foundation’s Health Equity Fund is excited to convene its nonprofit partners around the issues that matter to them. For more information about the Health Equity Fund, visit our website!

Faces of Financial Planning - Getting to Know PAC Member Candace Lee

To Candace Lee, her passion for Financial Planning can be boiled down into a simple phrase – “helping people.”

“Every aspect of the financial planning industry – whether you're advising clients or running projections – is oriented towards helping people live out their dreams,” Lee shared.

“I enjoy hearing what my clients want out of life. I'm a very goal-oriented person, so hearing other people's goals drives me. It makes me want to help them achieve what they want in life.”

A Vice President & Client Advisor at Glassman Wealth Services, Lee has been in the Financial Planning Industry since 2009. Over the years, she has helped hundreds of families meet their goals and plan for their financial futures.

Lee is also a Black woman in a field that is largely dominated by White men. Nation-wide, women make up just 23.6 percent of Certified Financial Planners (CFPs); African Americans make up less than 2 percent – a statistic that Lee says her firm has spent the last two years trying to understand.

“This past year, we had a series of conversations with several large organizations and HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) to better understand what the gaps are – why don’t we have more advisors of color in the profession.”

The answers revealed something that Lee best describes as “a knowledge gap” – a lack of exposure to financial planning that impacts Black students and their families both personally and professionally.

“In financial planning, knowledge is power,” Lee explained. “The wealth gap exists; but the wealth of knowledge that Black families have not historically had access to is also significant.”

“Many of the families who use financial planners have used them for decades; they’ve passed down those relationships and the knowledge they’ve gained over generations.”

“On the other hand, navigating the stock market or pin-pointing the best investment strategies – these are things that many people of color haven’t had exposure to – at home or in the school system.”

Lee pointed to the higher education system, as one key example. “There aren’t really that many CFP® (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™) programs,” Lee explained. “And even fewer of them are in HBCUs.”

When Lee started college at the University of Virginia, Financial Planning was barely on her radar.

“There are only so many professions that our society portrays as ‘this is what success looks like’,” Lee recalled. “My dream was to become a doctor, because I thought that was the best way to be successful and help people at the same time.”

After a few rough years of pre-med classes, Lee decided that she wouldn’t find success as a doctor. Fortunately, one of her church members worked at a financial planning firm that needed some extra help over the summer. After spending her summers learning the inside-outs of financial planning as an intern, the firm offered her a full-time job, which helped launch her career in the industry.

Years later, Lee says she hopes to open the doors of financial planning to more people like her – starting with the basics. With her help, her company established relationships with HBCUs like Delaware State University to provide networking and employment opportunities for Black students.

“I’d love to see more people of color in this industry,” Lee added. “The more diversity we have in the financial planning industry, the better we’ll be able meet the needs of our diverse community and more effectively serve them.”

Lee is an active member of The Community Foundation’s Professional Advisor Council, which convenes professional advisors from across the region to help clients enhance their charitable giving in new and innovative ways.

“I love being involved with The Community Foundation through the Professional Advisor Council,” Lee shared. “Their knowledge of the community, as well as their mission to narrow the racial wealth gap are inspiring to me.”

Candace with volunteers at the last Financial Planning Association’s Annual Free Planning Day held at University of DC.

Lee is also an active participant in the Financial Planning Association’s Annual Free Planning Day – an event where financial planners from across the region offer free financial coaching to members of the community.

“We help people with anything from credit card debt to Medicare or basic budgeting tips,” Lee explained. “The idea is to break down the barriers to financial planning and meet people where they are.”

The event, which is sponsored in part by The Community Foundation, includes both one-on-one coaching sessions, as well as workshops on budgeting, retirement, debt, and credit counseling. Past events have served as many as 100 people.

While budgeting and credit counseling may seem a far stretch from the complicated stock market investments typically associated with financial planning, Lee says it’s no less important – especially for communities of color.

“The beauty of financial planning is that it looks different for each person,” Lee explained. “For some, it means focusing on paying off debt. For others it may be investing money for retirement.”

Financial Planning Day is on August 19 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Silver Spring Civic Center. Walk-ins are Welcome. Click here to learn more and to register!

Candace Lee is a member of The Community Foundation’s Professional Advisor Council (PAC) – a committee of professional advisors from across the region dedicated to helping their clients enhance their charitable giving. For more information, contact Tiffanie Purvis at

Black Giving is Magic – Changing the Face of Philanthropy

When Ebonie Johnson Cooper first founded the Young, Black, & Giving Back (YBGB) Institute nearly a decade ago, she had no idea that she would spark a national philanthropic movement.

Founded in 2014, YBGB serves Black-led, Black-benefitting nonprofits by providing leaders with much-needed trainings, resources, and capacity-building support to meet their organizational needs. However, as Johnson Cooper met with Black-led nonprofit leaders over the years, one need stood out among the others. Fundraising.

“Nationally, less than 2 percent of funding goes to Black communities and Black-led organizations,” Johnson Cooper explained, citing a statistic from the Association of Black Foundation Executives – a disparity that continues despite the recent spike in funding in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic and the murder of George Floyd.

So in 2018, Johnson Cooper and the YBGB team decided to take matters into their own hands. They organized Give 8/28 – a national day of giving for Black-led and Black-benefiting nonprofits, aimed at mobilizing the power of black philanthropy.

“August 28th is already a significant day in the Black community,” Johnson Cooper explained. “It’s the day that Emmett Till was murdered. It’s the day that Barack Obama announced he was running for President. It’s the day that our beloved T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) passed away. It’s the day that Jackie Robinson was admitted into Major League Baseball.”

“We wanted to turn it into a special day for our nonprofits, as well.”

Inspired by movements like #GivingTuesday, Give 8/28 provides a platform for Black-led and Black-benefitting nonprofits to showcase their work to potential donors from across the country. In addition to providing a platform, YBGB also provides toolkits, webinars, trainings and prizes to help participants be successful and reach their fundraising goals.

In just five years, the event has grown exponentially. In 2018, Give 8/28 raised a collective $12,700 for 114 nonprofits. Last year, that amount soared to more than $250,000 – with more than 1,700 donors participating.

“Black Giving is Magic,” Johnson Cooper said when asked the secret behind the movement “It’s who we are!”

“The history of Black Philanthropy definitely doesn’t begin with us [Give 8/28],” she explained. “It begins on a very organic, community-oriented level. It begins with Blackness.”

“It begins by knowing and understanding that Black people have always been community-centered; have always taken care of our own.”

“Doing the work – and supporting the work -- is a part of who we are. We’re not looking for anyone to save us; we’re taking care of business.”

“This idea of building a self-sustaining community provides the impulse to Black Giving that cannot be replicated.”

For participating nonprofits, the impact of this support from Black Philanthropy – however small – cannot be overstated.

“I remember one year, there was a very young organization that worked with LGBTQ+ youth,” Johnson Cooper recalled. “It was their first year, so they had no idea what to expect. I think they only raised a couple hundred dollars – but they were so thrilled.”

“‘You have no idea what this means to us, as a new organization’ they told me. ‘We’ve never done this before, so to raise this amount of money is huge.’”

“And then they added -- ‘We’re excited to come back next year and do even better!’”

Johnson Cooper also credits part of Giving 8/28’s success to YBGB’s partnership with community foundations. The Greater Washington Community Foundation is one of three local community foundations sponsoring Giving 8/28 this year.

“Philanthropy is about more than just cash,” Johnson Cooper said. “It’s also about fostering and leveraging relationships to do the most good while causing the least harm. It’s about building a stronger community.”

“By supporting events like Give 8/28, community foundations help build that community --fostering relationships between donors and nonprofits to multiply the magic of Black Giving.”

The Community Foundation is proud to sponsor Giving 8/28. We strongly encourage our Black-led nonprofit partners to join us for this celebration of Black Philanthropy. Registration closes on August 14th.

We also invite our fundholders to learn more about Give 8/28 and support incredible, Black-led organizations near you.

For more information, visit

Martha’s Table, JP Morgan Chase, and The Community Foundation Expand Initiative to Strengthen and Support Grassroots Organizations in Ward 8

Our partners at Martha’s Table have announced 14 high-impact nonprofits in Ward 8 that will receive Community Impact Fund grants to support innovative solutions to community challenges, organizational infrastructure, and program operations.

Martha’s Table launched the Community Impact Fund at The Community Foundation in 2022, which initially supported 10 high-impact, local organizations with $10,000 grants. JP Morgan Chase and The Community Foundation partnered to match these initial grants through the Equitable Development Fund.

Building on the success of the Fund’s first year, Martha’s Table doubled down on its direct investment in Ward 8 communities, ensuring that every Washingtonian can thrive. For the second grant cycle, 14 high-impact organizations were selected to receive $15,000 each by a committee comprised of Ward 8 neighbors.

The organizations will also receive a matching two-year grant from JP Morgan Chase and The Community Foundation through the Equitable Development Fund.

“We are reimagining community investments; through the Fund, we are helping to scale and deepen the impact of frontline organizations whose leadership and staff reflect the backgrounds and lived experiences of the communities they work alongside,” said Tiffany Williams, president and CEO of Martha’s Table. “This work is made possible through critical partnerships with key local funders who are committed to creating a more just and equitable region.”

In addition to the Greater Washington Community Foundation and JP Morgan Chase, the Bainum Family Foundation, the Horning Family Foundation, and the Leonard and Hilda Kaplan Charitable Foundation support the Fund.

Community Impact Fund grants provide up to $20,000 of general operating funds to support a range of capacity-building activities or targeted initiatives.

“At the Greater Washington Community Foundation, we understand the transformative power of philanthropy that is responsive to community needs,” said Tonia Wellons, President and CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “We are proud of this innovative partnership with Martha’s Table and JP Morgan Chase to increase and sustain funding to Ward 8-based organizations that make a profound impact on their local communities.”

“This work reflects our commitment to uplift community voice and involve more community members in the process and practice of grantmaking. Thank you to the community members who contributed their time and expertise to the grant review process and selection.”

This year’s recipients include:

  • Fihankra Akoma Ntoaso

  • Anacostia AMP Empowerment Center

  • A Beautiful Balance Inclusive

  • Traron Center

  • William O Lockridge Community Foundation

  • It Takes a Village

  • Project Create

  • Soul Trak Outdoors

  • Recovery Cafe

  • Best Kids

  • College Tribe

  • Fresh Start Catering

  • Women Involved in Re-Entry Efforts

For a complete program overview and a list of current and past grantees, please visit

Let's Talk Endowments - Helping Nonprofits Invest for the Future

Earlier this month, The Community Foundation hosted a group of nonprofit leaders to talk about how to help nonprofit organizations prepare for their financial future through an endowment.

“For years, we at The Community Foundation have talked about what it would look to design a product that would allow nonprofits to coinvest in their future,” President and CEO Tonia Wellons shared with the group.

“Through this nonprofit endowment product, we’re excited to provide our partners with the infrastructure and investment support to sustain their mission and organization for years to come.”

An endowed fund is invested for long-term capital growth – rather than going directly towards a specific program. This allows the fund to accrue value over time, while a predetermined portion is set aside each year for distribution. Depending on market performance, these distributions have the potential to exceed the original value of the gift – providing the organization with a steady, reliable stream of income, as well as a nest egg that can be accessed in case of emergencies.

“At The Community Foundation, we want to make it easier for our nonprofit partners to provide for their long-term financial stability,” Tiffanie Purvis, General Counsel and Senior Philanthropic Advisor said.

The Community Foundation’s nonprofit endowment fund is designed to eliminate many of the traditional barriers that can prevent nonprofits from setting up an endowment - including limited investment expertise or capacity. Endowments set up through The Community Foundation are managed by our professional investment team – allowing nonprofits the freedom to focus on their mission rather than their long-term financial investments. Endowments have a $25,000 minimum and can be set up as a permanent long-term endowment or a quasi-endowment with an option to withdraw under limited circumstances).

The Community Foundation also provides services including planned giving expertise to help donors understand the value of an endowment over a short-term gift.

“Donors love creating endowments,” Rebecca Rothey, Senior Advisor explained. “However, sometimes they need a little more help before they grasp the concept.”

Participants heard from Mike DiMarco, Executive Director of Horizons Greater Washington, which recently set up an endowment fund with The Community Foundation in preparation for its 25th Anniversary coming up in 2025.

“For us, at Horizons, we make a long-term commitment to our students. We need sustainable long-term funding that’s there in perpetuity,” DiMarco shared. “Being able to budget the steady income from an endowment not only puts us in a stronger position in the long-term but also in the short-term as we’re able to get annual returns on that endowment.”

“Throughout the process, the Greater Washington Community Foundation was really helpful and patiently answering our questions and helping us understand the benefits and implications of starting this endowment account.”

“As we enter 2025, celebrating our 25th Anniversary, we look forward to taking this opportunity to grow the endowment and solidify Horizons’ future going forward.”

The discussion about endowments comes at a time when large bequests from donors to nonprofit organizations is on the rise. According to the latest Giving USA Report, the number of bequests from wills and living trusts increased by 2.3% in 2022 for a total of $45.6 billion dollars.

“There’s a temptation with surprise bequests to put it directly into the operating budget – put it straight into the community all at once,” Mary Pat Alcus, a financial planner and experienced nonprofit board member shared. “But if you and your board have the discipline to put that money in an endowment, you not only provide for the longevity of your organization – you also provide an easy answer to what can sometimes be a contentious question - ‘what do we do with this money?’”

“It’s about planning for the future,” Wellons concluded. “It’s about having the foresight to let your money work for you, while you continue to work for the community.”

The Community Foundation’s team stands ready and eager to help our nonprofit partners achieve their long-term investment goals. For more information about our nonprofit endowment services, visit our website for details or contact Tiffanie Purvis at

Welcoming New Faces to The Community Foundation Family

We’re excited to welcome a new group of changemakers to The Community Foundation family – including new Trustees, Advisory Board members, and staff.

New Members of the Board of Trustees

Quanda M. Allen, CAP®
Senior Vice President
Senior Director of Integrated Relationship Management

Quanda M. Allen leads the corporate strategy that drives cross line of business referrals for wealth and insurance at Truist Bank, a top 10 U.S. institution with nearly 60,000 teammates and $548 billion in assets as of September 2022.

Prior to this role, Quanda was the Client and Advisor Experience Leader for the Specialty Wealth team which includes the Foundations and Endowments, Sports and Entertainment, Medical, Legal, Corporate Trust and Escrow and International divisions. As a key business partner, she drove revenue growth and brand awareness through integrated marketing and communications strategy, insightful thought leadership and differentiated client experiences.

Quanda is the founder and creative force behind the content marketing and thought leadership strategy for the Foundations and Endowments Specialty Practice. Under her executive leadership and oversight, the Practice refined its value proposition, rebranded all its marketing material, deployed an innovative online platform and developed more than 100 unique pieces of proprietary thought leadership content – several of which she authored. Her philosophy to wealth management marketing is rooted in delivering content-driven value in an efficient and effective manner while equipping advisors to build trust through deep personal relationships.

Quanda is an active Washington, DC community leader who serves on the board of Sitar Arts Center’s Executive, Investment and Capital Campaign committees. As a former board member, she was a founding co-chair of National Capital Area Boy Scouts of America’s ScoutReach program which is designed to bring scouting to inner city youth. Quanda’s community engagement has been recognized by Outstanding Atlanta (2009) and SunTrust Bank’s Presidential Volunteer Award program (2015-2018). She is a member of the 2020 class of Leadership Greater Washington and a 2024 Executive MBA candidate at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business.

Michelle L. Bender, CFP®
President and Senior Advisor

Michelle grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and moved to the Washington, DC area shortly after college. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM and brings over 25 years of solid financial and asset management experience to Potomac Financial Consultants, LLC. During Michelle’s career she has held positions at Arthur Andersen, Private Wealth Advisors, and several other financial and asset management firms, including Potomac Financial Consultants, LLC.

She is a graduate of Seton Hill University with dual degrees in Accounting and Human Resource Management. Michelle achieved the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM designation through the College of Financial Planning. She is actively involved in the financial services industry, is a member of the Financial Planning Association, and is actively involved in the Million Dollar Round Table.  She volunteers her time with the MDRT Foundation in various roles each year.  Michelle is a Registered Representative of Kestra Advisory Services. She is currently a member of the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce and Poolesville Chamber of Commerce, as well as a past president of Women Business Owners of Montgomery County.

In Michelle’s spare time, she spends time with her husband and twin children shuffling them between sporting events, as well as she enjoys time on her peloton or running in road races.

The Community Foundation would like to thank John Devine and Dr. Rayshawn Ray for their service on the Board of Trustees. John Devine joined the Board of Trustees in 2017, serving on the Board’s Executive Committee as Treasurer of the Board. Dr. Rayshawn Ray joined the Board of Trustees in 2020, and was a featured panelist at the 2022 Celebration of Philanthropy.

New Advisory Board Members-Montgomery County Advisory Board

Ron Franks
Bailey Wealth Advisors 

As Director of Operations at Bailey Wealth Advisors, Ron Franks is responsible for achieving maximum operational efficiency throughout the firm contributing to an exceptional client experience. Ron’s responsibilities include the review and assessment of current and future organizational structure, business succession planning, estate planning, portfolio advisory support as well as ensuring operational systems support current and future firm growth.

With over 10 years of experience in the legal and securities industry, Ron brings a depth of knowledge in areas of estate planning, securities, and regulatory compliance.  Ron holds a law degree from the University of Miami and bachelor’s from the University of Kansas.

In addition to his responsibilities, Ron maintains active presence in the local community. Ron has served as the vice chairman of the Mid-County Citizen’s Advisory Board (MCCAB) and as a member of the Wheaton Urban District Advisory Board (WUDAC).  Ron was also a member of County Executive Marc Erich’s Transition Team and is active with the Montgomery County Democratic party.

Mimi Brodsky Kress
Sandy Spring Builders 

Mimi Brodsky Kress got her start in the building industry after graduating from Colby College.  Her dad, builder Albert Brodsky, encouraged her to pursue an apprenticeship program which helped Mimi discover her love for the field, as she quickly rose in the ranks to become assistant superintendent.  After working for several companies, Mimi teamed up with her friend, Phil Leibovitz, to launch her own company, Sandy Spring Builders, which creates custom homes throughout the region.  One of the few women in the industry, Mimi often credits her mother for being her role model and demonstrating what a strong, independent woman can accomplish.  With her signature “take-charge” attitude, Mimi is the heart of the company’s philanthropic leadership, ensuring the team leverages its resources to strengthen the local community which has fostered its success.

A third generation Washingtonian, Mimi and her husband Michael instill the importance of giving back to their two children, Jenna and Max. Mimi is involved with several local charities, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness – Montgomery County (NAMI-MC) and Habitat for Humanity Metro Washington. She was honored as the Montgomery County Philanthropist of the Year in 2022.

Craig Pernick
Chevy Chase Trust

As Senior Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income, Craig Pernick manages the fixed income investment strategies for Chevy Chase Trust and provides wealth management advice. Additionally, Craig oversees the trading of tax exempt and taxable fixed income assets. Craig has special knowledge of municipal and corporate bond trading and analysis with more than three decades in investment management.

Prior to joining Chevy Chase Trust in 2008, Craig managed fixed income portfolios at Asset Management Inc., an independent investment management company where he worked for six years. Craig also worked for sixteen years in institutional fixed income sales and trading with R.W. Corby and Co. and Artemis Capital.

Craig earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and a Masters in Business Administration from Wayne State University. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Montgomery County, Maryland Public Schools Retirement System Trust and Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust and is on the Investment Committees of the Greater Washington Community Foundation and The Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad. Craig has also been an emergency medical technician volunteer with the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad for 19 years. A 33-year resident of Montgomery County, Craig has been married to his wife Denise for 38 years, and they have two adult children who attended Montgomery County Public Schools.

Gail Wasserman

Gail Wasserman is recently retired from AstraZeneca/MedImmune, where she was Senior Vice President of Biopharmaceutical Development leading the global organization responsible for biologics product development.  Prior to joining AstraZeneca/MedImmune, Gail was engaged in natural products isolation and biopharmaceutical process development at GlaxoSmithKline.  Gail holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Montclair State University and received a MS in biochemistry and a PhD in chemistry from The Pennsylvania State University.

She is the incoming chair of the board of the Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology at Montgomery College. Gail previously served as a member of the Visiting Committee for Advanced Technology for the National Institute for Standards and Technology, and the Biopharmaceutical Innovation Board of the University of Delaware.  She received the Outstanding Science Alumni Award and the Alumni Fellow Award from The Pennsylvania State University and was named as a PharmaVOICE 100 most inspiring leader in the life-sciences industry.

New Advisory Board Members-Prince George’s County Advisory Board

Michael A. Echols CISSP, MBA
Board Member University of Maryland Smith School
Board Member Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Board Member IACI – Kennedy Space Center
Community Foundation – Prince Georges County Advisory

Michael A. Echols (Mike), is CEO of Max Cybersecurity LLC, located in Washington DC. He previously spent 10 years in critical infrastructure protection and cybersecurity leadership at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Mike led several White House national security and stakeholder engagement risk initiatives. In 2015, Mike was the point-person for the rollout of President Obama’s Executive Order 13691 on Cyber Threat Information Sharing. While at DHS he also Chaired interagency committees related to GPS, convergence, risk management, cyber risk in government contracting, and assessed the cybersecurity of the nation’s small businesses.

Mike was Chairman of the Communications Sector where he led national risk assessment efforts across wireline, wireless, cable, broadcast and satellite. Mike was also the Designated Federal Official for the President’s NSTAC – 30 CEO level members from Defense, IT and Comm Sector companies making recommendations to the President. Mike Chaired the Network Security Information Exchange consisting of cybersecurity experts from Canada, UK, Australia, Canada and the U.S. He also served as the U.S. Representative to the NATO CCPC in Brussels. Mike led classified and unclassified information sharing programs with corporate member’s revenues accounting for 10-15% of U.S. GDP.

Mike is now an international speaker on national resilience and has authored four Forbes online articles on Smart technology. He was featured on a PBS cybersecurity special called “Roadtrip Nation.” Mike is a magazine columnist and 2020 book Author.

His company, Max Cybersecurity, is focused on building a national culture of cybersecurity and national resilience. His clients include the US Army Corps of Engineers, DHS, critical infrastructure entities, and the Walmart.

Mike is a graduate of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative – Harvard Kennedy School of Public Health and cohort of the Federal Executive Institute. He holds a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Biotechnology, a Graduate Certificate in Technology Management from University of Maryland University College. His Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice is from the University of Maryland. Mike was the UMUC Distinguished Alumni in 2018.

Diana Leon-Brown
President, Artem Ventures, LLC

Diana Leon Brown has delivered exceptional and measurable public-private partnership results for over 25 years. She previously served as the Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Prince George’s County Executive’s Office and currently serves as Principal for Artem Ventures, LLC. 

Diana’s seasoned knowledge and relationships in the Federal, Maryland State and Local governments allow her to navigate economic development by identifying public and private strategic benefits and outcomes. Known as a compelling communicator and storyteller she is highly sought after for keynote speaking engagements and panel discussions.

Dedicated to her mantra. “Do Good, While Doing Well,” Diana cultivates national and global leadership opportunities, exploring ways for businesses, nonprofits and rising leaders to build generational legacy. Over the last 20 years, Diana has been committed to cultivating the next generation of leaders. She has served on numerous boards and chaired several executive, business and governance committees.

Diana’s national track record is juxtaposed by her extensive global cross-sector leadership roles. As Executive Director of the Artem Leadership Institute, she developed high-level international programs and events with the United Nations, Organization of American States, and the Women’s Global Initiative in Africa and Dubai.

Ms. Brown also had the honor of serving as the appointed political liaison on behalf of the Haitian Diaspora Federation for the Obama Administration’s Office of Public Engagement created to develop partnerships in response to the Haitian Earthquake of 2010. Her efforts raised over 40 million dollars in aid and investments.

Dannielle Glaros
Assistant VP & Chief of Staff of Administration, University of Maryland

Bio Coming Soon!

Julian C. Curry (Bio & Headshot Coming Soon)

New Staff Members

Michelle Castillo, Staff Accountant

Michelle joined the Greater Washington Community Foundation in May 2023 as the Staff Accountant. In her role, Michelle provides support to accounting, grants, accounts payable and financial reporting, working closely with the Controller and Director of Finance.

Michelle joins us from the Carlyle Group where she worked for five and a half years. She is originally from Suriname, a small country in South America. Her native language is Dutch.

Benton Murphy, Director of Fund Administration & Special Projects

Benton currently serves as Director of Fund Administration and Special Projects at The Greater Washington Community Foundation. In this role, provides overall fund administration and impact measurement functions, enhances the organization’s fundholder engagement work through effective data segmentation, and supports the overall business operations of the organization. Benton has nearly 20 years of experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors, originally coming to the Community Foundation in January 2004. Prior to his current role, Benton served as Senior Program Officer as well as Interim Vice President for Community Investment where he focused on projects addressing racial and social justice, workforce development, and education. Benton holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from The George Washington University and an undergraduate degree from the University of Washington, Seattle.

Eliza Tolbert-Howard, Development Officer, Prince George’s County

Eliza is a California native who joined the Greater Washington Community Foundation in May 2023 as a Development Officer. Her current role on the Prince George's County team includes Development, Donor Services, Marketing, Communications, and Event Planning. Before joining the Community Foundation, Eliza spent four years working in nonprofit spaces. She holds an undergraduate degree in Communications from California State University, Fullerton. Eliza is passionate about access and equality for women, minorities, and low-income individuals. In her free time, she enjoys the arts and personal development.

Yasmin Barakat, Executive Assistant

Yasmine joined The Community Foundation in June 2023. As the Executive Assistant, she provides high-level administrative support to the Executive Office. Yasmine has six years of experience in the administrative and legal field bringing a diverse skillset. Throughout her career, she’s worked on various projects, including high-risk immigration cases to help clients obtain their citizenship. A lover of animals, nature, and spending time with her family, Yasmine is thrilled to be joining The Community Foundation team and to leverage its individual strengths to make a significant impact.

Talking Reparations and Growth at the Intersection of Faith and Philanthropy

In June, faith leaders from across the region gathered at Reid Temple AME Church in Glendale, MD for the 2nd Annual Faith & Philanthropy Forum. The event convened faith and philanthropic leaders for an intimate conversation about their work, economic mobility, and the importance of closing our region’s racial wealth gap.

The program was divided into two thought-provoking sessions. The morning session examined how The Community Foundation and faith leaders can better collaborate to advance economic mobility and close the racial wealth gap in the most economically challenged neighborhoods in Prince George’s County. 

“As faith and philanthropy leaders, there are so many intersections in the work that we do,” Tonia Wellons, President & CEO of The Community Foundation shared. “That’s why it’s so important to meet together and talk about where we are.”

“We recognize that we have a stronger ability to make a deeper impact when Faith and Philanthropy are strategically aligned.”

“We have to look at the strengths of the church when it comes to economic mobility,” Rev. Mark Whitlock, Pastor of Reid Temple AME Church shared. “The church has potential for exponential impact – above and beyond its programmatic impact.”

Rev. Mark Whitlock, Pastor of Reid Temple AME Church

Rev. Whitlock and other faith leaders have long been heavily involved in economic mobility initiatives in the region – particularly in Prince George’s County - serving both as advocates and valuable community partners. The morning session offered them a chance to share ideas and insights into how to continue that work.

“As faith leaders, we have a valuable role – not only as leaders; but also as innovators and disruptors in social change,” Ronnie Galvin – an ordained minister and Senior Fellow at The Community Foundation shared, as he outlined some of The Community Foundation’s ongoing and upcoming initiatives for social change.

Faith leaders were then invited to formally submit their ideas for innovative partnerships that could create economic justice in the Prince George’s County.  The Foundation will be receiving these proposals over the summer and will begin vetting them in Fall 2023.

“Think about the ministry and the work that you’re called to – where would you show up within this framework – and how can we work together to take it to the next level? And what would that look like?”

One aspect of that ‘next level’ revolves around a subject that has garnished a lot of local and national attention in recent months – that of reparations.

“Reparations is more than just fixing people’s problems. Reparations is about addressing the behaviors, habits, and systems that caused those problems in the first place.”
— Professor Anthony Cook

“This is an opportunity for us to reframe how people think about reparations,” Sara

Brenner, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Foundation shared in the afternoon session. “We know how important this work is. How can we change hearts and minds and systems to help make it happen?”

Co-hosted by the Jewish Community Foundation, the afternoon session convened Christian and Jewish faith leaders from across the region to help set a baseline understanding of reparative justice through the lens of faith traditions. Professor Anthony Cook, Professor of Law at Georgetown Law and the founder of the Coalition for Racial and Democratic Economy was the keynote speaker.

“Reparations is more than just fixing people’s problems,” Professor Cook explained. “Reparations is about addressing the behaviors, habits, and systems that caused those problems in the first place.”

Professor Cook explained that part of getting to the heart of the issue of reparations requires understanding the difference between restorative justice and reparative justice.

“Restorative justice focuses on restoring something to an earlier or pre-existing condition through compensation and acknowledgement of harm,” Professor Cook said. “Reparative Justice acknowledges that that is just one element in a larger spectrum.”

“We need to ask deeper questions about the system that is producing these results.”

Faith leaders listen as Professor Anthony Cook addresses the Faith & Philanthropy Forum via Zoom.

Professor Cook pointed out that “the charity service model” that has been embraced by faith and philanthropy leaders in decades past has “done Black and Brown communities a great disservice” by falling short of offering them meaningful, system-changing solutions to the issues they face.

He encouraged faith and philanthropy leaders to reexamine their efforts to ensure that “charity approaches to change are short-term, not long-term” and instead invest in bold systemic solutions that build community wealth.

Afterwards, Galvin asked faith leaders to share their thoughts on the discussion and the ways it resonates with the congregations they represent. The responses were overwhelmingly positive.

One pastor explained how they had already mobilized support for H.R. 40 – a bill on national reparations that was re-introduced in Congress in January. Another rabbi outlined how Holocaust survivors in his synagogue had received reparations from Germany, prompting discussions amongst the congregation about how parishioners could mobilize to help their neighbors in the African American community.

“Healing and repair are important aspects of the faith community,” Brenner shared. “For a long time those concepts have been separate from philanthropy.”

“That’s why it’s so important to create this forum where faith and philanthropy can align.”

To conclude the forum, Galvin shared a call to action in the form of a thought-provoking quote from the Civil Rights legend John Lewis, who paraphrased a prominent Jewish leader when he said:

“If not us, then who?”

“If not now, then when?”

Click here to see photos from the 2nd Annual Faith & Philanthropy Forum!

The Power of Faith & Philanthropy

The following article was published for the upcoming edition of PG Suite Magazine.

By Jamie McCrary

Throughout our nation and region, Black and Brown people continue to experience deep racial and economic disparities. This injustice is particularly prevalent in Washington, DC, where White residents have 81 times the amount of wealth as Black people – a disparity exacerbated by the fact that the larger Greater Washington region has one of the highest income gaps in the country.

Prince George’s County, Maryland, is especially vulnerable. The county suffers some of the largest disparities in homeownership and income in the region.

Rev. Ronnie Galvin, Senior Fellow at The Community Foundation leads a discussion about the region’s racial wealth gap

Many local community leaders are seeking new and more focused interventions and collaborations to address these deep disparities. For the Greater Washington Community Foundation, this means forging new partnerships that help advance economic justice in Prince George’s County—efforts guided by the foundation’s vision to close the region’s racial wealth gap by igniting the power of philanthropy. The foundation’s evolving collaboration with faith-based institutions in Prince George’s County is a significant step forward in fulfilling these goals.

“The faith community offers the kind of community building, leadership, and infrastructure necessary to achieve economic justice,” said Rev. Ronnie Galvin, Senior Fellow at The Community Foundation. “Some would argue it's the last type of infrastructure that affords Black people the opportunity to determine their destinies.”

“Faith institutions are among our most vital and proactive partners in our strategic efforts to increase philanthropy and close the racial wealth gap,”
— Tonia Wellons

A Legacy of Social Justice

The faith community has led efforts to advance social and economic justice for well over a century, a legacy that initially inspired The Community Foundation’s collaboration.

This tradition extends back to the Civil War when Black churches offered safe haven stops on the Underground Railroad. Mutual aid societies, which predate traditional philanthropic institutions,also grew out of thechurch experience. These groups provided for the health, education, and training of the community – and their philanthropy continues to this day.

As a majority Black jurisdiction, this legacy is particularly strong in Prince George’s County where faith leaders help drive community development by funding schools, businesses, and social programs – all efforts which help advance residents’ economic mobility.

“Faith institutions are among our most vital and proactive partners in our strategic efforts to increase philanthropy and close the racial wealth gap,” said Tonia Wellons, President & CEO of The Community Foundation.

Last summer, The Community Foundation helped expand this legacy of social justice, officially launching its partnership with the Prince George’s faith community. Dubbed the Faith and Philanthropy Project, the initiative brings together faith leaders from across the county to explore how greater coordination and collaboration can help advance shared goals around philanthropy and community development.

“It’s not a question of whether we should be involved, but how,” said Rev. Kendra Smith, GO Lead of Kingdom Fellowship AME Church and Executive Director of Kingdom Global Community Development Corporation. “And where we can make the greatest impact.”

The Legacy Continues

The “Faith and Philanthropy Project” formalizes both The Community Foundation and the Prince George’s faith community’s continued commitment to improve residents’ quality of lives – and work together to close the racial wealth gap.

In its overarching vision to advance philanthropy and economic justice in the county, the Faith and Philanthropy Project will:

  • Increase and leverage resources to achieve greatercommunity impact;

  • Improve the prospects for wealth building as a means of closing theracial wealth gap;and

  • Amplify thevoices of community residentsto affectchange.

Dr. Bobby Manning, President, Collective Empowerment Group and Senior Pastor Frist Baptist Church of District Heights, gives remarks and opening prayer at the inaugural Faith & Philanthropy Breakfast.

As spiritual, educational, and moral hubs, Galvin emphasizes the unique role the faith community has in amplifying community voices in particular.

“If we are going to close the racial wealth gap and achieve economic justice, the voice of the faith community must be amplified,” Galvin said. “Whether Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or Buddhism, all religions call for the confrontation and transformation of unjust systems that undermine the lives of people and communities.”

When reflecting on the partnership, Dr. Bobby Manning, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of District Heights and leader of the Collective Empowerment Group, a consortium of member churches for economic empowerment and a key partner of the Faith and Philanthropy Project, agreed.

“I see faith-based institutions as general hubs for personal empowerment in our community,” said Dr. Manning. “Our responsibility is not only spiritual empowerment, but economic strength, civic engagement, and caring for the entire well-being of the person.”

Inspiring Public Imagination

As the project evolves, the foundation and its partners are exploring a framework for how to discuss economic justice and build philanthropy. Ultimately, Galvin envisions developing material that houses of worship can use to guide conversations with their congregations and others.

He hopes this approach will provide a cohesive way to talk about economic justice and philanthropy – and inspire social and economic change across the county.

“It’s not just about influencing public opinion; it’s also inspiring public imagination,” Galvin said. “It’s getting people to ask, ‘What does a moral economy really look like, and what will it take to get there?’”

Eventually, Galvin notes more county residents could also be on the frontlines of advocating to change longstanding issues like reparations or employee-owned businesses. He sees the foundation’s new partnerships as only fueling this possibility.

“The church is an amplifier – an invitation mechanism,” Galvin said. “And in some cases when they have the assets, they can also be part of the process to model the economy we want to see. We can't move an agenda like ours, as aspirational as it is, without communities of faith.”

Through the Faith and Philanthropy Project, the foundation aims to continue examining ways to advance economic justice through philanthropy. Disparities may run deep in our region, but The Community Foundation and its faith partners are committed to reimagining a region where we all can prosper and thrive.

The Faces of Health Equity: Meet Our Nonprofit Partners

On June 13, The Community Foundation announced $12. 5 million in Health Equity Fund grants to 14 DC-based nonprofits working on health advocacy, policy, and systems change initiatives that address the social and structural determinants of health.

We invited our partners to highlight their experiences working to address the social and structural determinants of health in the Greater Washington region.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    We represent the criminal legal community in regards to incarcerated individuals and returning citizens coming back into our community. The issues that we advocate for are eliminating barriers to reentry, record sealing, expungement, and relief from fines/fees/restitution. We seek to change hiring practices that exclude returning citizens.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    The thing we find most meaningful about the work we do is evening the playing field, educating the public, and changing the criminal legal system. We are more proud of our longevity and being a one-stop-shop in terms of resources for returning citizens. We are proud to be a source of evidence of the success possible for returning citizens, and demonstrate the outcomes possible for people in the criminal legal system who are given an opportunity to thrive.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    We will be using funding to support our personnel and expand our programming. We will be hiring a community organizer and program manager, and will also utilize funding to cover training costs, event planning, meeting costs, program supplies, outreach and campaign materials, and to conduct evaluation of our work.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    We want people to understand that we have to stop throwing people away, as if they were human waste. We want them to understand that we need to take a closer look at the impact of the criminal legal system and its collateral consequences. If we do that, we will see that it is necessary to move in a different direction and to invest in supporting communities, families, and returning citizens.

    80% or more of people incarcerated are there for a non-violent crime. We can't incarcerate our way out of this. We have to address trauma, mental health, and underserved communities. Taking time to understand and acquire this knowledge will allow us to come up with effective alternatives and solutions.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    DCFPI serves as central resource to advocates and community members, providing research, analysis, and strategy to inform just policy solutions and reform inequitable systems. We take aim at the compounding effects of structural racism, which have led to vast racial and ethnic inequities in education, housing, employment, income, wealth, and health, privileging white residents while leaving Black and non-Black residents of color more likely to struggle to get by and care for their children. We strive to root out anti-Blackness, promote economic mobility, and repair racist harms that set the conditions for consistently poorer economic and health outcomes for Black and brown communities.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    DCFPI leverages its analytic, programmatic, and legislative expertise for collaborative campaigns, helping to design both policy and strategy. DCFPI utilizes the power of progressive policy to support the economic liberation of Black and brown people in the District. We are most proud of our 22-year track record that has lifted up and protected economically struggling DC families.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    DCFPI, in collaboration with partners rooted in impacted communities, will pursue two critical areas of policy change: Establishing Guarantees for A Liberation Economy and Building Black Wealth. We will develop a pilot jobs guarantee for young workers, pursue a child tax credit and expansion of guaranteed basic income pilots, and spearhead a campaign for a more racially just tax code that pays for targeted investments that reduce Black debt, increase access to Black homeownership, and provide capital to support Black entrepreneurship.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    The District is home to incredible prosperity that is not equitably shared. Despite high incomes and high-paying jobs, too many residents—disproportionately Black and Latinx people—struggle to pay for basics or access good jobs. More than 100,000 DC residents live in poverty, the lion’s share being women and people of color. Centuries-long oppression of Black people through enslavement, segregation, and Jim Crow legislation has led to vast racial and ethnic inequities in education, housing, employment, income, and wealth creation. The legacy of these inequities and long-standing divestment from communities of color carries racial and economic exclusion forward today. However, before us stands a great opportunity to foster change that creates healthy, thriving communities where everyone has the nurture, sustenance, and safety every person inherently deserves.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    The power of tax justice as racial and economic justice. As a tool for liberation, tax policy should take aim at the anti-Blackness embedded within our tax systems by raising taxes on the predominantly white, wealthy households that have been economically privileged through the historic and ongoing oppression of Black and brown people. The revenue raised would be dedicated to public investments that predominantly aid Black households that are struggling to get by and are systematically denied, over generations, the fruits of their labor.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    MON supports the inclusion and empowerment of Black mothers in the struggle for family preservation and advocates for the transformation of government income and child welfare laws, policies and practices from punitive to empowering. Our primary initiatives seek to empower Black families by working to enact publicly funded guaranteed income programs for low-income mothers, advocating for existing social safety net programs such as the 2021 Child Tax Credit, and transforming the $200 million DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) family regulation and foster system budget.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    Some of the most meaningful work that we do at MON involves working directly with Black mothers through programs such as our Legal Tax Clinic and our guaranteed income pilot program, Mother Up. This program is a cash transfer initiative for no- and low- income Black mothers in Washington, D.C. who are involved with the child welfare system. We plan to explore whether extra cash can cut family involvement with the child welfare system and to achieve narrative change that can transform policy in this field. We seek to ultimately enroll 100 mothers or more, in total in this: for 3 years, 50 mothers receiving $500 a month and an additional 50 mothers survey incentive stipends.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    We will utilize funding to support our guaranteed income program. These funds will provide for the following: mothers in our program receiving $500 a month; mothers in the control group receiving $40 a month; benefits counseling for the mothers; and hold harmless payments for the mothers to offset any benefit reductions.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    Black families in Washington, DC suffer over-involvement in the intersecting paradigms of racialized poverty and its poverty-driven government family regulation. Our goal is to transform the family regulation system to prioritize Black family economic security, racial equity, and family preservation.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    Our work confronts the child welfare system's role in failing to address Black family poverty and the system's policies that traumatize and rip apart Black families. Studies have demonstrated that alleviating poverty reduces reports of abuse and neglect, or child maltreatment. Our goal with the Mother Up program is to explore whether extra cash can cut family involvement with the child welfare system and to achieve narrative change that can transform policy in this field.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    The Council for Court Excellence (CCE) brings together an interdisciplinary group of D.C. residents, advocates, and members of the legal and business communities to collaborate and advance equity-focused changes to D.C. criminal and civil laws, regulations, court practices, and agency policies. Our work seeks to help D.C. residents who interact with the legal system, especially justice involved and impacted individuals.

    Throughout D.C.’s legal system, people of color are disproportionately impacted. While Black people make up 47% of D.C.’s population, they make up 86% of the people arrested, 90% of the people jailed, and 95% of the people in prison.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    CCE’s work has resulted in fewer D.C. children being funneled into the school-to-prison pipeline, fewer people in our community facing incarceration, and a decrease in the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction in the District. We are proud to increase awareness and thoughtfulness around justice system issues and spur a spirit of change to engage more people in the community who care about these issues, broadening the pool of those who are aware, engaged, and fighting for equity.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    CCE will utilize our model of interdisciplinary alliance to develop and implement strategic advocacy campaigns. We will convene partners and impacted people, conduct research, and collect data and feedback to ensure our priorities are community guided. CCE will develop policy reform campaigns from start to finish, and conduct activities to cultivate community and grassroots advocacy. Finally, we will educate the public on our campaigns, put public pressure on policymakers to enact reforms, and sustain community mobilization.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    One in seven adults in the District has a publicly available criminal record. The impacts of D.C.’s criminal legal system are not felt by all D.C. residents equally. Roughly 90% of people incarcerated at the D.C. Department of Corrections were Black, despite Black people making up a little less than half of D.C.’s population. Racial disparities persist in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), with Black people accounting for 95% of people incarcerated in the BOP for a D.C. Code offense.

    Legal system or court involvement – whether as a person who has faced a criminal charge or incarceration, as a victim of crime, or even as a litigant in a civil matter – can have dramatic impacts on a person’s well-being. Decisions made by judges, police, caseworkers, and others with power in the legal system can change a person’s life in positive and negative ways – which means it is vital that D.C.’s laws and policies are equitable, healing-focused, and anti-racist.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    It is important for people to know that the lack of statehood significantly affects D.C.’s criminal legal system and presents challenges in the pursuit of community-led justice.

    In D.C., the federal government plays several important roles in the local administration of justice but has no accountability to District residents. Presently, people convicted of D.C. offenses are sent to federal prisons, local Courts are funded by the federal government, and adults are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, among other powers.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    DC Justice Lab is a team of law and policy experts researching, organizing, and advocating for large-scale changes to the District of Columbia’s criminal legal system. We develop smarter safety solutions that are evidence-driven, community-rooted, and racially just. We aim to fully transform the District’s approach to public safety and make it a national leader in justice reform.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    The most meaningful aspect of our work is the ability to change the way people think about who we punish, how we punish, and why we punish. Helping Black people thrive is why we’re here – and reforming the criminal legal system is how we do it. We’re most proud of how we do the work. We lead with integrity and justice, engaging with and understanding the needs of the community where we live and work; forging strong connections; and prioritizing community-centered approaches to reform.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    As a proud Black- and woman-led organization, we plan to utilize funding to not only grow our impact, but the impact of other pro-Black organizations who are working to effect policy change, training the next generation of local advocates on the District's lawmaking process. Leveraging and lifting each other requires an intensive effort – including multi-day workshops that provide support, resources, and strategies that work to make the collective more effective in less time.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    Almost 90% of arrests in the District disproportionately target Black residents, and over 90% of those who are sentenced are also Black. Year after year, research has consistently shown that marginalized communities facing poverty, substance abuse issues, and high crime rates are disproportionately impacted by the consequences of the criminal legal system.

    Despite this evidence, our country and local leaders continue to prioritize tough-on-crime laws and policies that have fueled mass incarceration and worsened the conditions of our Black and brown communities. This is why we advocate for lawmakers to implement solutions that address the root causes of crime and violence, while reducing our nation's excessive reliance on police, prosecutors, and prisons in order to promote safety and freedom for all.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    We wish more people understood that mass criminalization actually causes more crime, making us all less safe. Not only does it perpetuate poverty, but it breaks apart (and breaks down) families who create thriving communities with generational wealth.

  • 1. Briefly describe (in 2-3 sentences) the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    La Clínica del Pueblo represents the low-income, Limited English Proficient, immigrant, Latinx communities in Washington, DC, facing health inequities and healthcare access barriers. We advocate for policy changes and system transformation to address these issues, including eliminating exclusionary policies, guaranteeing Medicaid-level coverage, and ensuring linguistically and culturally appropriate service provision.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    Through our advocacy efforts, such as involvement in passing the DC Language Access Act, we have played a pivotal role in ensuring equal access and participation in public services for individuals with limited English proficiency. Our contributions to establishing the DC Healthcare Alliance Program and, more recently, simplifying its recertification process have also been sources of pride. This program, available to all residents regardless of immigration status, has reduced disparities and expanded access to healthcare for marginalized groups.

    La Clínica's ability to effect positive change through advocacy efforts demonstrates our dedication to creating a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system, making a meaningful impact on the lives of low-income immigrant communities in the region.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    We plan to utilize the funding to expanding our advocacy campaigns to raise community awareness and engage policymakers, enhancing our community mapping efforts to better understand the needs of low-income immigrant communities, and strengthening our partnerships and coalitions to drive systemic change. The funding will enable us to allocate resources for capacity building, staff training, communication strategies, and community engagement initiatives to advance our mission of improving healthcare access and addressing health inequities.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    One thing we wish more people understood about the community we represent, with a specific focus on health access as a human right, is that healthcare is essential for everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background, immigration status, or language proficiency. Access to healthcare is not just a privilege but a fundamental human right. Low-income immigrant communities, who often face additional barriers to accessing healthcare, deserve equitable and dignified care.

    Recognizing health access as a human right means understanding that everyone deserves equal opportunities to lead healthy lives, and it requires addressing systemic inequalities and ensuring that healthcare services are accessible, culturally competent, and affordable for all.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    We wish more people understood the intersectionality and complexity of the barriers faced by low-income immigrant communities in accessing healthcare. It is crucial to recognize that these barriers extend beyond immigration status and language proficiency. Systemic racism, social determinants of health, limited financial resources, and cultural differences contribute to health disparities.

    By understanding the multifaceted nature of these challenges, we can develop comprehensive solutions that address the underlying structural and systemic issues. It is essential to move beyond simplistic narratives and stereotypes and instead embrace a holistic perspective considering the interconnected factors impacting healthcare access for marginalized communities.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    Whitman-Walker envisions a society where all people are seen for who they are, treated with dignity and respect, and afforded equal opportunity to health and wellbeing. The Whitman-Walker Institute combines clinical and public health research, public policy advocacy, and professional and community education, with the goal of expanding the body of knowledge and science needed to advance health and wellness, particularly for sexual and gender diverse communities.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    For almost fifty years, Whitman-Walker has been woven into the fabric of DC’s diverse community as a first responder and trusted resource for those living with and affected by HIV; a leader in LGBTQ care and advocacy; a research center working to discover breakthroughs in HIV treatment and prevention science; a fierce advocate for health equity and inclusion; and one of DC’s dependable healthcare partners throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    As a nonprofit, grant funding is pivotal to expanding our capacity to advocate, research, and educate about the health needs of LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV. Funding supports our research into the bio-psycho-social drivers of ill health and the interventions to address these causes. Grant funding supports the many services we provide that are not covered by insurance.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    As a community health center embedded in Washington, DC, I wish more people understood that DC is more than just nation’s capital, but it is home to a vibrant and thriving community. Far too often our community is used as a political tool, and this is disrespectful to the families that live and work in the District.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    WWI leverages the expertise across Whitman-Walker’s family of affiliates to advocate for structural interventions in local, regional, and federal law and policy. Much of our advocacy works to address the social determinants of health for our patient population.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    Black Women Thriving East of the River (BWTEotR) collaborates with Black women who live and lead organizational change in Wards 7&8. Together, we advocate for health and economic justice for Black women and their families and the collective wellbeing of Black people living east of the river. The systems we seek to disrupt and improve are the workforce development and healthcare systems in order to improve key social determinants of health for Black women in our community.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    We are most proud of working in authentic partnership with the community. BWTEotR works directly with community residents and leaders of Wards 7 & 8 who coalesced in pursuit of innovative solutions to the health and economic crises prevalent within the community. We continue to embrace an inclusive approach for engaging the community and reflecting its voice, that intentionally avoids employing tokenism and instead implements ongoing engagement to mitigate intractable issues.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    Black Women Thriving East of the River will use data, training, and advocacy to disrupt and create change in workforce development systems impacting Black women living East of the River. Our initiative will develop employer assessment tools and implement Employer Best Practices Thought Leader Forums, workgroups, and conferences. We will disseminate best practice employer tools and strategies for driving equity, inclusion, and sustainability in hiring and retention practices — better positioning Black women East of the River to acquire and maintain employment in health-related careers.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    There are many well-known challenges in our community. The way to solve them is by listening to those who are experiencing them daily. Our community is full of caring, insightful and brilliant experts. Let’s look to them first and often to inform strategies, programs and policies for lasting change.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    We wish that more people understood the magnitude of health disparities that Black women face, and that these disparities are a direct result of structural racism embedded in our healthcare, workforce, and other systems.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    Many Languages One Voice (MLOV) is a Washington, DC-based movement organization, empowering immigrant and refugee communities of color with the tools to promote their own liberation. Our mission is to foster leadership and greater civic participation of immigrants and refugees who do not speak English as a primary language.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    We believe an actively engaged community that challenges existing inequities by dominant power is key to achieving systemic change. We are most proud of the leadership our community members display everyday for themselves and their communities.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    Through this project, we aim to contribute to greater health equity for all DC residents. With support from this grant, our BIPOC-immigrant-led community leadership development, power building, and advocacy will strengthen and advance language justice in DC, and consequently will promote improved health outcomes.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    As an immigrant and refugee organization, MLOV sees the day-to-day realities of health inequity and how various social factors contribute to creating and compounding barriers to health. Despite the 2004 Language Access Act being on the books, our DC immigrant neighbors continue to face language barriers in accessing services from DC government agencies, which negatively impacts numerous social determinants of health. Data collected by MLOV and our partners demonstrate that immigrants who do not speak English as a primary language are more likely to face barriers to healthcare, affordable and safe housing, and job security.

  • 1.Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    Tzedek DC’s systemic Advocacy Reform program attacks at scale the structural economic underpinnings of health equity. We seek to reform debt-related laws in DC that in effect criminalize poverty, impose disproportionate burdens on Black and Latino residents and, by perpetuating DC’s vast racial wealth gaps, pose formidable roadblocks to health equity.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    The magic happens in the moments when our work both impacts the present and future of a community member's life and makes them feel heard, respected, and valued.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    Tzedek DC will use funds from this partnership to hire staff and consultants to build organizational capacity to mount winning advocacy campaigns that will increase wealth and health equity. We will expand our Policy, Organizing, and Communications capacity in this way.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    Poverty is not a crime. DC residents are hard-working, passionate people of many wonderfully diverse backgrounds and all deserve full economic citizenship.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    Systemic racism has produced a legacy that includes massive racial wealth gaps and a system of private debt collection and public fines and fees debt collection that has a disparate impact on Brown and Black residents. Our choices about allocating resources and changing the rules need to account for these realities. This approach can lift up the entire community.

  • 1. Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    ECC works with community organizations, government, the private sector, and directly with small, minority and women-owned firms to ensure that BIPOC and other underrepresented businesses/contractors benefit from major investments in clean energy. In addition to planning and technical assistance to improve public procurement systems, ECC offers training, coaching and support services so that these firms are committed to ECC’s high-road mission to strengthen the environment, economy and equity, especially within low-income communities of color.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    ECC has a 13-year track record helping city officials develop and implement economic inclusion policies, including community workforce and community benefit agreements in a range of green energy and infrastructure projects. This system-level work includes developing implementation tools to ensure public investments benefit communities most in need, such as establishing hiring/contracting targets by demographic groups, contractors’ selection criteria and requirements for solicitations/bid documents, and monitoring and evaluation tracking and reportings.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    The “BEPS BIPOC Contractor Incubator” will engage contractors to work on projects to improve building energy performance of affordable housing, public housing and community buildings in disadvantaged communities in Washington DC. Contractors will be recruited from across Washington, DC with particular focus on Wards 5, 7, and 8. Contractors will receive training on business opportunities and follow up support for their businesses.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    ECC’s focus on community contractors addresses both wealth and income inequality. Our labor market study revealed that neither minority businesses nor workers are well-represented in the emerging green economy in DC or elsewhere. A focused attention on increasing access for small, minority businesses, however, is foundational to inter-generational wealth generation. Moreover, research shows that minority businesses offer the most accessible and effective pipeline to job opportunities for minority workers.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    America’s economy was specifically designed for inequality. Low-income and communities of color are burdened by a legacy of discrimination with respect to access to home and home improvement loans, business loans and investments, job opportunities in high wage and unionized jobs, as well as business and hiring networks. The negative impacts are clear: poor health, poor housing conditions, rent burdens, utility burdens, income and wealth disparities, to name a few. America’s transition to a new ‘green economy’ to green our communities and our buildings provide a new opportunity to get it right.

  • 1) Briefly describe the community your organization represents (and/or the issue(s) you advocate for), and/or the policy and systems you seek to change.

    The DC Reentry Housing Alliance is a collective of local reentry and housing leaders who are dedicated to addressing the ongoing housing challenges experienced by individuals returning from incarceration in the District of Columbia. They represent and advocate for the needs and rights of returning citizens, aiming to improve their access to safe, affordable, and supportive housing options. The alliance seeks to bring about policy and system changes that will result in a significant increase of at least 500 new housing units dedicated to DC returning citizens by 2025. By prioritizing the voices of those directly affected and collaborating with housing providers, service providers, and advocates, the alliance aims to enhance housing options, support services, and opportunities for successful reentry and community integration.

    2. What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do? What are you most proud of?

    At the DC Reentry Housing Alliance, we are most proud of centering the expertise of reentry leaders with lived experiences. By engaging the public, influencing advocacy, and prioritizing the needs of men and women returning from incarceration in Washington, DC, we strive to propose innovative solutions for improved opportunity, access, and equity. Our Advisory Council guides our strategy and approach, ensuring that we amplify the voices of those closest to the challenges and foster meaningful change for individuals transitioning back into the community.

    3. As a nonprofit partner, briefly describe how you plan to utilize funding to support your work?

    As a collective impact initiative, we utilize funding to drive community empowerment and foster collaboration. Together, we will catalyze the creation of 500+ new supportive housing units by 2025, establish a stakeholder community dedicated to our mission, build sustainable infrastructure, and launch a compelling public campaign. Through data-driven efforts, community summits, a returning citizen advisory group, and advocacy activities, we will create transformative change and ensure the housing and economic mobility of returning citizens. Your support is instrumental in our collective journey towards a more inclusive and thriving society.

    4. What do you wish that more people understood about the community you represent?

    It is essential for people to understand the challenges and needs of individuals returning from incarceration. Incarceration forces individuals to make drastic adjustments for survival, and upon release, the struggle to reintegrate becomes apparent. The lack of support and government assistance, particularly in areas such as housing and employment, creates significant barriers for successful transition. There is an urgent need to address the disregard and stigma faced by justice involved individuals, and by providing proper safety nets and assistance, we can witness the transformative potential and achievements of these individuals in our society.

    5. What do you wish that more people understood about the issue(s) you seek to change?

    • Engaging relevant stakeholders is crucial: Advocacy led by individuals with lived experience, along with collaboration with state and government officials, is necessary to secure funding, policy changes, and insights for effective reentry programs.

    • Sustained support is crucial during the reintegration process: Reintegrating into society takes time and assistance, and simply releasing individuals without support can lead to setbacks and challenges.

    • Wrap-around services are vital: Comprehensive support services, including housing, employment assistance, mental health support, substance abuse treatment, education, and counseling, are essential for successful reentry.

    • Programs should prioritize asking individuals about their needs: Instead of assuming what people need, actively listening and empowering individuals with lived experience to lead ensures that support aligns with their actual needs.

    • Rehabilitation benefits individuals and society: By investing in rehabilitation programs, formerly incarcerated individuals have the opportunity to positively contribute to the economy, support their families, and participate actively in their communities.

  • The mission of the Fair Budget Coalition (FBC) is to advocate for budget and public policy initiatives that address systemic social, racial, and economic inequality in the District of Columbia.

    More Information Coming Soon!

  • The mission of Empower DC is to build the power of DC residents through resident-led community organizing to advance racial, economic, and environmental justice.

    More Information Coming Soon!

Having Pride in Planning Your Legacy

by Lawrence S. Jacobs, Esq.

Trying to celebrate Pride Month despite the avalanche of bad news has me thinking about estate planning and why it's so important - especially for non-traditional families.  The traditional family dynamic has changed drastically over the past few decades. We're now seeing more non-traditional families - single parents, same-sex couples, blended families, etc. As a result, estate planning has become more important than ever for LGBTQ+ families, unmarried couples, or couples who have children from previous relationships, and parents with stepchildren.

It's so essential for non-traditional families to have a well-thought-out estate plan, including a Will and maybe a trust.  Confusion arises because of what happens if you die without a valid Will.  In that case, your legally-married spouse is at the top of the list to receive your assets, but only if they survive you.  If you are single or in a relationship with someone who is not your legal spouse or if your spouse is not alive and you don’t have children, then your parents, siblings or even cousins are generally the next in line. But the good news is that if you create a valid Will, you get to write your own rules. Members of your family only get what you want them to have – if you want them to have anything at all.

A lot of people feel that it is their familial duty to pass assets on to the next generation or to siblings. You certainly can, but it is rarely a requirement unless you have minor children.  Many of my clients think about naming their nieces and nephews as beneficiaries.  Yet you have many meaningful options that go beyond enriching those young people who might stand to inherit significant assets from their parents or grandparents.

I pose a simple question: what is it that you worked your whole life to accomplish when you die?  Of course, the answer is rarely simple.  I challenge you to add up all your assets, including life insurance policies and retirement accounts and to pretend that all that money is in your checking account.  Let’s say that number is $2 million.  Then write 10 pretend checks of $200,000 each and imagine what would happen if you handed one to each of your family members.  Hopefully, the money would achieve something incredibly meaningful to you and to your recipients.

But you might want to consider what that same amount of money would accomplish if it was given to a cause that is meaningful to you, perhaps gay rights, a scholarship at your alma mater, the environment, the performing arts, animal welfare, or many others – including The Community Foundation!  In reality, your assets could be enough to change the world and allow you to leave a truly meaningful legacy. 

I realize that all this is deeply personal and do not intend to make light of the serious choices involved.  However, many people do not think through the consequences and alternatives of simply telling their lawyer to draft a Will “that divides my assets among my family when I die.”  And you may relate to the alternatives more happily than to the people who share your genes, while making the DMV a better place.

Lawrence (Larry) has helped more than a thousand couples and singles in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area protect their assets and loved ones through carefully-crafted estate planning strategies and documents. He has been a vocal advocate for the LGBT community in Maryland for nearly 30 years.  Larry is a shareholder at McMillan Metro, P.C. and has practiced law for 48 years.  He is admitted to the bars of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.  

This post should not be misconstrued as legal advice but intended for Educational Purposes Only. Contact your advisor(s) for advice on your specific circumstances.

Greater Washington Community Foundation Announces $12.5M in Health Advocacy, Policy, and Systems Change Support

The Greater Washington Community Foundation celebrated $12.5 million in Health Equity Fund grants to 14 DC-based nonprofits working on health advocacy, policy, and systems change initiatives. This marks the largest single grant round in The Community Foundation’s 50-year history.

The historic investment comes from the $95 million Health Equity Fund (HEF) -- designed to address the social and structural determinants of health and to help achieve health equity for DC residents. It is one of the largest philanthropic funds of any kind focused on community-based nonprofits that serve District residents.

“We know that 80% of DC’s health outcomes are driven by social, structural, and economic factors, with clinical care accounting for only 20%,” said Tonia Wellons, President & CEO of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. “Health and wealth are inextricably linked – which is why we are confident that activating resources to change systems and policies as well as to increase economic mobility will be instrumental in improving health outcomes for District of Columbia residents.”

“In this round, we are investing in organizations who seek to change structural determinants of health over the long-term,” said Dr. Nnemdi Elias, Chair of the Health Equity Committee. “We recognize this mandate requires deep investment and collaboration, which is why our partners will also work together to share best practices and leverage their collective strengths as we build a healthier future for DC’s residents.”

Some of these investments include

  • Black Women Thriving East of the River will support data, training, advocacy, and education to better position Black women living east of the Anacostia River to acquire and maintain employment in health-related careers.

  • Emerald Cities Collaborative Inc. will develop a Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) economic inclusion initiative to create local-level business opportunities aligned with city-wide diversity and inclusion goals, and will strengthen the capacity of DC’s BIPOC contractors to execute and bid on BEPS project opportunities.

  • La Clinica del Pueblo will support efforts to challenge citizenship as a determinant of social and legal belonging through advocacy work that addresses the health coverage exclusion of noncitizens and supports equal access to high-quality care, regardless of status.

  • The National Reentry Network for Returning Citizens will lead four years of advocacy to enact change through the Black-led #SafeAndFreeDC legislative policy agenda, which addresses health, economic, and racial equity through transformation of the criminal legal system.

  • Whitman-Walker Institute will work with community organizations and District residents to develop a partnership framework that increases cross-sectoral collaboration in policy and advocacy efforts, which will then be used to develop a Queer and Trans Agenda for Racial and Economic Justice.

Additional grantees include: Council for Court Excellence; DC Fiscal Policy Institute; DC Justice Lab; DC Reentry Housing Alliance; Empower DC; Fair Budget Coalition; Many Languages One Voice; Mothers Outreach Network; and Tzedek DC.

Wellons and representatives from the DC Health Equity Committee, DC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking, and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield celebrated with the nonprofit organizations at a special welcome breakfast.

“Today represents the single most important philanthropic investment – not only in the history of The Community Foundation, but also in the history of Washington DC,” Commissioner Karima Woods with the DC Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking. “With this investment in policy, advocacy, and systems change, we champion the HOPE (hope, opportunity, prosperity, and equity) you will bring to the District.”

“The Health Equity Fund is an unprecedented, community-focused philanthropic endeavor, and this grant round mirrors the extraordinary nature of the fund with specific focus on programs that will create lasting structural and policy changes for our DC community,” said Brian D. Pieninck, President and CEO of CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst). “We applaud the tireless efforts of the organizations selected as we work together to find ways to reduce the effects that social and structural determinants have on health outcomes. We are confident these organizations will help to change the economic, social and policy systems that often create and reinforce persistent health inequities in the District.”

With this exciting investment also came a call to action.

“We’re asking you to work together, as a cohort,” Juan Jara, a member of the Health Equity Committee explained. ““Your work – and the issues that your organizations address – are all interconnected. The more we can collaborate and work together, the better off we’re going to be as a community.”

The Community Foundation and its partners didn’t waste any time – launching straight into their second IDEA Summit immediately following the welcome breakfast. The event allowed partners to not only network, but also to ‘co-design success’ – working together to identify the outcomes, actions, and impact that they hope to see over the next few years. The summit was facilitated by a team from the American Institutes for Research (AIR), which serves as the evaluation partner for the Health Equity Fund.

“This is a quality group,” shared one leader. “Everyone in this room has a drive and a passion to make a huge difference for this community.”

Pride at the End of the Rainbow: Celebrating LGBTQ+ Identity and Intersectionality

In celebration of Pride Month, The Community Foundation invited some of our nonprofit partners to highlight their experiences working with the Greater Washington region’s LGBTQ+ community.

La Clinica Del Pueblo

1) Briefly describe the mission of your organization and the services you provide to the LGBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington region.

La Clínica del Pueblo's mission is to build a healthy Latinx community through culturally appropriate health services, with a focus on those most in need. La Clínica was founded in 1983 to address the emerging health needs of DC's Central American immigrant population. Today, it serves the Latinx community in the Greater Washington region, providing linguistically and culturally appropriate, as well as LGBTQ+-friendly, health services.

The Empodérate Program, specifically designed for LGBTQ+ Latinx youth, has been a part of La Clínica's services since 2006. It operates two drop-in safe spaces in the region, one in Washington, DC and another in Prince George's County, MD. The program focuses on culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV prevention services. Annually, the Empodérate Program serves approximately 2,350 MSM (men who have sex with men) members of the Latinx community.

2)  What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do with the LBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington area? What are you most ‘proud’ of?

In addition to providing essential healthcare services, we recognize the importance of representation and visibility. One of the aspects we are most proud of is providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals within the Latinx community, advocating for their rights, and actively participating in events like the DC Pride parade. We understand the unique challenges and barriers they may face, such as cultural stigma and language barriers, and strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where they can access the healthcare services they need. By doing so, we contribute to a more inclusive society where all individuals, regardless of their cultural background or sexual orientation, can live with dignity and access the healthcare services they deserve.

3) As a nonprofit partner, tell us about how funding that you’ve received from The Community Foundation  has helped you achieve your goals?

The funding we have received has been instrumental in expanding our programs, enhancing our service delivery, and improving health outcomes for the Latinx LGBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington area.

4) What do you wish that more people understood about the LGBTQ+ community?

People must understand the intersectionality and unique struggles experienced by low-income, immigrant, Limited English Proficient (LEP), LGBTQ+ Latinx individuals.

Low-income members of this community often confront multiple barriers to accessing healthcare, housing, education, and employment opportunities. Discrimination and systemic inequalities exacerbate their challenges, making achieving economic stability and social well-being even more difficult. Furthermore, being an immigrant and identifying as LGBTQ+ introduces additional hurdles. Immigrants within the LGBTQ+ Latinx community may face discrimination, prejudice, and even legal challenges related to their immigration status.

Addressing these intersectional challenges requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach. It involves creating safe spaces that embrace diverse identities and experiences within the LGBTQ+ Latinx community. It also necessitates developing tailored programs and services that account for economic disparities, immigration concerns, language access, and cultural sensitivity. This entails advocating for policies that address systemic inequalities, promoting cultural competency training for service providers, and supporting initiatives that uplift and empower LGBTQ+ Latinx individuals in low-income and immigrant communities.

The Equality Chamber Foundation

1) Briefly describe the mission of your organization and the services you provide to the LGBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington region.

The Equality Chamber Foundation (ecf) was founded in 2019 to create a united community. United by a common purpose to enhance our community’s culture, evolve its economy, and create safe spaces for the entrepreneurial spirit to thrive.

We are an essential conduit between community, culture, and enterprise. We help our community do more, be more, and grow more, so that they may continue to enrich our LGBTQIA+ family and evolve our community to meet their economic potential.

2) What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do with the LBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington area? What are you most ‘proud’ of?

All of the work we do is for the LGBTQ+ and allied community. Through our work we are able to help individuals, business leaders, business owners, and the community as a whole grow.

3) As a nonprofit partner, tell us about how funding that you’ve received from The Community Foundation has helped you achieve your goals?

The funding we have received has provided us with a vehicle to do safe space training for employers.

4) What do you wish that more people understood about the LGBTQ+ community?

The LGBTQ+ community is the most intersectional community - you can be a member of any other identity or affiliation and also be LGBTQ+

Whitman-Walker institute

1) Briefly describe the mission of your organization and the services you provide to the LGBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington region.

Whitman-Walker Institute expands the body of knowledge and science needed to strengthen our foundation of care, advocacy, research, and education. Through our work, we empower all people to live healthy, love openly, and achieve equity and belonging. Today, Whitman-Walker Health lives out its mission statement by offering affirming, community-based health and wellness services to all with a special expertise in LGBTQ+ and HIV care. WWH has the expertise to address numerous health disparities, including providing services to the largest cohorts of transgender and gender expansive patients in the country.

2) What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do with the LBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington area? What are you most ‘proud’ of?

For almost fifty years, Whitman-Walker has been woven into the fabric of DC’s diverse community as a first responder and trusted resource for those living with and affected by HIV; a leader in LGBTQ+ care and advocacy; a research center working to discover breakthroughs in HIV treatment and prevention science; a fierce advocate for health equity and inclusion; and one of DC’s dependable healthcare partners throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

3) As a nonprofit partner, tell us about how funding that you’ve received from The Community Foundation has helped you achieve your goals?

As a nonprofit, grant funding is pivotal to expanding our capacity to advocate, research, and educate about the health needs of LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV. Funding supports our research into the bio-psycho-social drivers of ill health and the interventions to address these causes! Grant funding supports the many services we provide that are not covered by medical insurance.

4) What do you wish that more people understood about the LGBTQ+ community?

While LGBTQ+ people are subject to the bias and stereotypes that permeate our culture, the LGBTQ+ community is an invitation to questioning many of these assumptions that are woven into the fabric of our society. Liberation from sexual norms and gender roles provides us with an insight into how we can build a more expansive and inclusive society where more people can flourish. This process is fun and exciting!


1)  Briefly describe the mission of your organization and the services you provide to the LGBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington region.

Founded in 2016, AsylumWorks is a regional 501(c)3 nonprofit created with the awareness that asylum seekers and other immigrants seeking safety from violence often arrive in the United States with many needs but few resources.

Rebuilding one’s social support network is an important component of feeling at home in a new place. Unfortunately, LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers are not always welcomed by members of their diaspora when they arrive in the U.S. To address this need, AsylumWorks formed PRISM (Pride Refugee & Immigrant Support Meet-Up) to build an alternative inclusive, safe, and affirming peer community for LGBTQ+ refugees, asylum seekers, and other immigrants seeking safety from violence. PRISM works to foster spaces in which LGBTQ+ immigrants feel comfortable being themselves and can also participate in community-building activities that expand their social support in a new country and support their mental health and well-being via a facilitator-led psychosocial peer support group.

2) What do you find most meaningful about the work that you do with the LBTQ+ community in the Greater Washington area? What are you most ‘proud’ of?

PRISM is open to all AsylumWorks clients who identify as LGBTQ+, including alumni, waitlisted clients, along with other local LGBTQ+ asylum seekers who reside in DC, Maryland, or Virginia. This impact is far-reaching and enables group members to connect with the greater DMV community, as well as fellow group members. With each new member, our PRISM group inches closer to our vision of community-based support group where members with shared identities connect, grow, and support each other.

3) As a nonprofit partner, tell us about how funding that you’ve received from The Community Foundation has helped you achieve your goals?

The funding that we have received has made it possible to offer metro cards to PRISM group members to remove the cost barrier for attendees to move around the city, especially for our monthly dinners and in-person Pride Month events, such as tie dye t-shirt making and marching in the DC Pride Parade. An attendee reflects: “Hi! I want to thank you again. The metro card is helping me a lot. I started meeting the [immigration] lawyers and I am using it to go to school like to keep my visa status active till I submit my asylum applications. Thank you so much.”

4) What do you wish that more people understood about the LGBTQ+ community?

A person fighting to explore their identity is so brave. In addition to the complexity of navigating their identity, LGBTQ+ asylum seekers face significant challenges to overcome in new cultural, linguistic, and societal contexts as they seek to navigate complex immigration systems. There are innumerable barriers, and everyone has their own unique journey.

Bringing it All Home: How DC Can Become the First Major City to End Chronic Homelessness

Last month, The Partnership to End Homelessness hosted a special donor webinar to discuss a landmark report on chronic homelessness in DC.

The report by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI), “Bringing it All Home: How DC Can Become the 1st Major City to End Chronic Homelessness and Provide Higher-Quality Services” outlines a series of recommendations to DC policymakers and funders. The report also answers the ongoing question about the cost of ending chronic homelessness.

“The mission to end homelessness and create safe and affordable housing in our nation's capital for extremely low-income households has never been more important -- or more achievable,” shared The Community Foundation’s President and CEO Tonia Wellons. The Partnership to End Homelessness partnered with The William S. Abell Foundation to co-fund the report.

“[Ending chronic homelessness] is not only a moral imperative; it’s also a matter of racial justice,” DCFPI Executive Director Erica Williams shared. “Nearly 83% of individuals experiencing homelessness in the District are Black – even though Black residents make up just 44% of the District’s population and 73% of those living below the poverty line. Historic and current day racism are what got us to this result.” 

The recommendations come after DCFPI hosted a series of focus groups with experts, including case managers and individuals with lived-in experience with the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) system. DCFPI also conducted a thorough analysis of DC homelessness data, including the annual Point in Time surveys.

DCFPI outlines Chronic Homelessness Funding into three primary categories: Tenant Vouchers & Services, Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) or Site-Based Funding, and Stipend Incentives for Providers and Case Managers. Of the three, PSH represents the biggest need for investment.

DCFPI outlines some of the average expenses in each category.

In addition to the budgetary recommendations, the report also outlined a series of five systemic changes where public and private funding is needed. These recommendations include speeding up the PSH leasing process, strengthening case management, improving and clarifying the rules of site-based PSH, addressing behavioral health needs, preventing homelessness, and better meeting the needs of the aging population.

When asked about some of the biggest challenges, Kate Coventry, DCFPI’s Deputy Director of Legislative Strategy who authored the report, pointed to inefficiencies in the PSH system and the alarming increase in the number of seniors experiencing homelessness.

Of 1,924 PSH vouchers made available in FY22, only 427 – just 22 percent -- were used to house individuals. The delays in implementing vouchers – which originate from a number of factors, including unwieldy application requirements and case manager shortages - can sometimes prove fatal; especially for seniors experiencing homelessness. Seniors account for nearly 40 percent of the region’s single adult homeless population.

Point-in-Time Counts for the Greater Washington Region by age demographic (Credit: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments)

“We need to figure out why older people are experiencing homelessness more – and how we can better serve them within the PSH system,” Coventry explained. “Our shelter system is not designed to meet the safety and needs of older people. That’s why we need to prioritize getting them into stable, affordable housing.”

“Homelessness is not a lake; it’s a river,” Coventry added. “People are becoming homeless and exiting homelessness all the time – as providers, our objective is to keep people moving along their housing journey, while at the same time advocating to address the challenges that brought them here in the first place.”

Coventry was joined on the webinar by Rachelle Ellison, a Senior Mentor Advisor with the People for Fairness Coalition who participated in a focus group behind the report. When asked how philanthropy should get involved, Ellison emphasized the need to continue to fund service providers and advocacy efforts -especially those that are led by people with lived experience.

“What we need are more passionate people doing this work,” added Rachelle Ellison, Senior Mentor Advisor with the People for Fairness Coalition. “We need more case managers – and we need to re-examine the requirements to become a case manager so that more people with lived experience can become involved in the work.”

“The Partnership to End Homelessness recognizes the importance of building the capacity of the PSH system and of our PSH providers,” said Silvana Straw, Senior Community Investment Officer and Philanthropic Advisor with The Partnership to End Homelessness. “Together with our donors and investors, we continue to invest in the construction of more PSH housing units, and in the capacity of PSH providers to bill Medicaid and leverage ongoing federal funding.”

“The Partnership to End Homelessness is also committed to funding our advocacy partners who are leading this work around policy and practice change,” Jennifer Olney, Senior Community Investment Officer with the Partnership to End Homelessness added. “Without the public funding that they continue to fight for, much of this work would not be possible.”

“We look forward to continuing our investment in the capacity of PSH providers and building a more just, equitable system. Together, we look forward to helping DC become the first major city to end chronic homelessness.”  

For more information on how you can get involved, contact Jennifer Olney at or Silvana Straw at or visit our website to learn more about The Partnership to End Homelessness.

Peace for DC: Hope for Reducing Gun Violence in the District

By Amy L. Walter

My husband Chuck and I opened our donor-advised fund with The Community Foundation in 2020. At the time, we were eager to learn from The Community Foundation’s insight into local organizations and how they contribute to racial and economic equity. We initially focused on affordable housing and wealth building, which we viewed as foundational to people’s financial and overall well-being. We also participated in The Community Foundation’s Sharing DC program.

In the summer of 2021, our lives, and consequently the focus of our philanthropy, changed. During an after-dinner stroll in DC with our dear, longtime friends, Jerry Black and Cathy Feingold, gunshots rang out, and Jerry was struck and killed.

Cathy, in the midst of this unimaginable loss, focused attention on the gun violence so prevalent in many areas of our city and region. Gun violence in DC and other cities is a devasting problem. Homicides in the District nearly doubled in the four years leading to 2021. In recent years, an increasing number of gun violence victims have been children.

Cathy decided to establish a memorial fund for Jerry benefitting The TraRon Center, an organization providing art therapy and counseling to children affected by gun violence in Ward 8. The culturally responsive services The TraRon Center lovingly provides and the safe, healing space it creates have a demonstrable impact on children’s levels of PTSD.

Inspired by Cathy, I began learning about gun violence – from reading the research to attending panels to meeting with leaders of grassroots organizations. I met regularly with the founders of The TraRon Center and Guns Down Friday – an organization founded by Jawanna Hardy, one of The Community Foundation’s Black Voices for Black Justice DMV Fellows.

Here are some of the things that I learned:

  • Research from around the country shows that community gun violence is a solvable problem. DC is learning from what works and targeting proven interventions toward the small number of people most likely to commit gun violence.

  • ·Solving this problem is as much about racial equity and economic mobility as about safety and well-being. Black people are disproportionately the victims of gun violence in urban areas, and the communities affected by gun violence face significant adverse economic and educational consequences.

  • In DC, there is momentum on this issue. For many years, community-based organizations (CBOs) with deep knowledge of the people and communities most affected have been working tirelessly to address this problem. More recently, the media are shining a spotlight on it, residents are demanding action, and the DC government is allocating greater resources to those doing this critical work.

This research led me to the Peace for DC Fund – a component fund at The Community Foundation that is playing a leading role in moving the District forward. Since its founding in 2021, Peace for DC has brought together CBOs, researchers, and the government to collaborate in solving the problem of gun violence. It has educated the public on proven solutions and supported the development of the District’s Gun Violence Reduction Strategic Plan. It has delivered financial and technical support to CBOs closest to the ground – all with the goal of reducing homicides in DC by 60 percent over five years.

In 2022, Peace for DC took the important step of launching the DC Peace Academy, grounded in the best practice of providing high-quality training to Community Violence Intervention (CVI) workers. These CVI workers put themselves at risk by connecting with the hardest-to-reach individuals, who are most likely to commit gun violence, so they choose another path. The Peace Academy gives CVI workers affiliated with different organizations the chance to learn from and support one another. In December 2022, Chuck and I were fortunate to attend the DC Peace Academy’s second cohort graduation ceremony, which we found deeply moving and inspiring.

Based on our strong belief in Peace for DC, Chuck and I have made a five-year financial commitment to support the powerful work they do. By contributing to Peace for DC, we not only help to heal and support people affected by gun violence; we help prevent gun violence-related deaths from ever occurring – a prospect that gives us hope for a safer future. We encourage you to learn more about Peace for DC’s visionary work in moving toward a District free from gun violence.

Amy L. Walter is an education professional with 20 years of experience combining classroom teaching, policy work, and nonprofit strategic planning and investment, in the U.S. and overseas. She and her husband, Chuck Szymanski, live in Washington, DC with their teenage daughter. For more information about the Peace for DC Fund, visit

Oh, What a Night! The Community Foundation Hosts 50th Anniversary Celebration of Philanthropy

Terri Lee Freeman is presented with the 2023 Spirit of Philanthropy Award. The award was presented by Charito Kruvant and Kenny Emson, who served as 50th Anniversary Co-Chairs for the event.

On May 3rd, The Community Foundation hosted the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Philanthropy — celebrating 50 Years of History, Hope, and Healing in the Greater Washington region.

The evening began with a special VIP reception, where representatives from the Prince George’s County Government and Montgomery County Government presented The Community Foundation with proclamations, honoring the organization’s legacy and commitment to the region. The Community Foundation was also honored by the recognition of elected officials from DC, Virginia and Maryland — including a special video message from MD-Rep. Jamie Raskin.

After the VIP reception, guests were lead down into the theater by the Eastern Senior High School Blue & White Marching Machine, where they were greeted by the evening’s emcee, NBC4’s Shawn Yancy.

Richard Bynum, Chair of The Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees kicked off the program and introduced Tonia Wellons, President & CEO of The Community Foundation, who delivered some brief remarks.

Some say the racial wealth gap is too big to be solved, but we believe it’s too urgent to be ignored.
— Tonia Wellons

In her remarks, Tonia paid homage to the incredible men and women over The Community Foundation’s 50 year legacy — including the late Bob Linowes and the Honorable Wayne Curry. She also expressed her gratitude for how far The Community Foundation has come — and the future it is working towards — closing the racial wealth gap in the Greater Washington region.

Following Tonia’s remarks, the 50th Anniversary Host Committee Co-Chairs, Charito Kruvant and Kenny Emson presented the 2023 Spirit of Philanthropy Award to Terri Lee Freeman.

Terri was the longest-serving and first Black female President and CEO of The Community Foundation from 1996-2014. During her tenure, Terri was recognized by the Washington Business Journal as one of its “Women Who Mean Business” and by Washingtonian Magazine as a “Washingtonian of the Year” and “100 Most Powerful Women of Washington”.

Since leaving The Community Foundation, she has pursued her passion for civil rights and social justice as the former President of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, and now as the Executive Director of the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture in Baltimore.

Following a special tribute video, Terri sat down with Shawn Yancy for a brief fireside chat, where they discussed aspects of Terri’s legacy and her aspirations for the future.

Following the fireside chat, guests enjoyed an evening of food, fun, dance and entertainment provided by artists and nonprofit partners from across the region.

A special thank you to Eastern Senior High School, Levine Music, Baila4Life, Sole Defined, Metrostage, Christylez Bacon, and DJ Face for sharing their time and talents with us. It was truly an unforgettable evening!

Click here for a complete recording of the Evening Program. Additional photos from the evening can also be found on our SmugMug Album.

Let's Talk Taxes: Insights from The Federal Budget for Donors to Consider

It’s that time of year again, when lawmakers on Capitol Hill convene to discuss the FY24 Federal Budget - a topic which (for better or worse) impacts many who live, work, and thrive in our region.

However, it’s what got passed in last year’s budget that some donors may want to pay closer attention to.

In August 2022, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which included nearly $80 Billion in funding for the Internal Revenue Service over the next 10 years.

Last month, the IRS Commissioner released the agency’s operating plan, outlining how the new funding would be allocated. The 150-page plan covering 2023 - 2031 speaks primarily to five areas of priority spending:

  • $47.4 billion to increase tax compliance among wealthy taxpayers and businesses.

  • $12.4 billion for technology enhancements.

  • $8.2 billion to recruit and retain a highly skilled, diverse workforce.

  • $7.5 billion targeting taxpayer service improvements.

  • $3.9 billion for cybersecurity.

Significant operational efficiencies are anticipated, and the heightened compliance efforts will generally apply to taxpayers making more than $400,000 annually. What’s raising eyebrows is that high-income earners and thus, donors to charity—and the financial professionals who serve them—should likely expect more in terms of attention, oversight, and audits. 

According to the plan, “segments of taxpayers with complex issues and complex returns where audit rates are minimal today, such as those related to large partnerships, large corporations, and high-income and high-wealth individuals,” will be areas of focus. 

The new-hire ramp up and technology implementation will take some time, per experts, with some believing that 2022 tax returns will be less subject to scrutiny than those in future years. But, the agency also has a three-year window to initiate an audit, giving it time to look back. 

Of specific importance to the charitable community is Objective 3, Initiative 4 (PDF page 66 of the plan), which states: “The IRS will increase enforcement activities to help ensure tax compliance of high-income and high-wealth individuals.” 

Increasing right along with the enhanced scrutiny is the need for solid charitable planning advice. The community foundation is an ideal partner, offering secure and efficient vehicles for charitable giving—including the precise tax documentation and compliance that the IRS expects. 

Indeed, a silver lining for advisors and those who work with The Community Foundation may be that the added potential IRS oversight plays to The Community Foundation’s strengths. By offering donors fully-vetted grantee organizations, plus gift execution, documentation and compliance services, those who’ve established donor-advised, field-of-interest, designated, or other funds at the community foundation can rest more easily knowing that their philanthropy is being handled as intended and able to withstand questioning, whether they are funding their contributions with Qualified Charitable Distributions, highly-appreciated stock, or complex assets such as closely-held businesses and real estate.

The Community Foundation stands ready to help donors and financial advisors unlock the power of philanthropy by providing the tools and expertise to help them achieve their philanthropic goals.

For more information, visit our website or contact our General Counsel & Senior Philanthropic Advisor, Tiffany Purvis at

Elected Officials Congratulate The Community Foundation on 50th Anniversary

The Community Foundation is proud to collaborate with local elected leaders to promote positive change and build stronger communities in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, here are just a few of the leaders who send their well wishes to The Community Foundation and it’s supporters:

Congressional Recognition
Presented by the Honorable Donald S. Beyer Jr. of Virginia in the House of Representatives on the House Floor on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

Mr. Speaker, I, alongside my colleagues, Representative IVEY, Representative HOYER, Representative RASKIN, and Delegate HOLMES NORTON, wish to honor The Greater Washington Community Foundation for 50 years of service in the region. The Greater Washington Community Foundation will commemorate this momentous milestone on May 3, 2023, with philanthropists, nonprofits, businesses, and community members at the Smithsonian’s National Museum for African American History and Culture.

In 1973, a group of prominent business and civic leaders—including Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Strong, Polly Shackleton, Davidson Sommers, Bishop John Walker, and Joseph Whyte—came together to establish a local community foundation to ‘‘promote a permanent source of philanthropic capital for the Washington Metropolitan region.’’

Over time, the Greater Washington Community Foundation has grown to become the largest local funder serving this region, with more than $1.5 billion invested to build equitable, just, and thriving communities in D.C., Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and Northern Virginia. Under the leadership of CEO Tonia Wellons, the Greater Washington Community Foundation continues to galvanize philanthropic resources and strategically invest in solutions to a wide range of issues impacting our communities—from education to housing stability, food security, workforce development, and crisis response.

The Greater Washington Community Foundation is now committed to leading our community in a movement that will help increase economic mobility and close our region’s racial wealth gap to create a better future for our region where everyone prospers.

Please join the regional delegation and I in honoring the 50th anniversary of the Greater Washington Community Foundation on May 3, 2023. We urge all the citizens of the greater Washington area to join in celebrating this very special occasion.

Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD 8th District) recorded this message for The Community Foundation's Celebration of Philanthropy, in honor of the organization's 50th Anniversary.