Budgeting to End Homelessness in DC - A Letter to DC Mayor Bowser

Dear Mayor Bowser:

We are writing on behalf of the Greater Washington Community Foundation and its Partnership to End Homelessness Leadership Council to offer our recommendations on DC’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget. We urge you to prioritize ending chronic homelessness and making substantial investments in affordable housing and housing stability programs for DC households with extremely low-incomes (0-30 MFI).

Homelessness in DC increased about 12% from 2022 to 2023, the first time this has happened since 2016, when DC launched Homeward DC. This alarming news comes at a time when the District’s rate of investment in housing programs is declining. At the same time, rent continues to rise in DC making it harder for many people to afford to live in DC and evictions are also increasing.

As you know, the Partnership to End Homelessness is a collective effort of private sector business leaders, philanthropists, and national and local nonprofits working in alignment with the city’s comprehensive plan to ensure homelessness in DC is rare, brief, and non-recurring. The private sector and philanthropy play an important role in supporting and funding efforts to end homelessness, but the city’s success greatly depends on the leadership of the DC government to adequately fund and implement evidence-based solutions.

We understand that the city has financial challenges and that the District has many funding priorities to balance this year. However, we are deeply concerned that with the end of pandemic assistance programs, many DC residents are struggling economically and having trouble maintaining their housing. We urge you to prioritize the protection and expansion of programs that help residents obtain and maintain stable and affordable housing. Stable and affordable housing creates the conditions for healthy families and thriving communities, and helps DC advance its goals of achieving racial and economic equity for all its residents. We have the solutions to prevent and end homelessness, and under your leadership, the District has shown that it can make progress by putting resources behind these solutions. We urge you to  invest the necessary resources to continue making progress. 

Our FY 2025 budget recommendations align with the recommendations of our community advocacy partners.

Expand Permanent Supportive Housing to end chronic homelessness: We ask you to invest $36.6 million in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) to end chronic homelessness for 1,260 single adults. We urge you to provide $22.8 million for PSH for 580 families. 

Support Emergency Rental Assistance: Census Bureau Household Pulse data estimates that 31,000 renters with incomes under $50,000 are behind on their rent in January 2024, or one-third of all low-income renters. Rents continue to rise sharply, even in rent-controlled units. The significant need for emergency rental assistance has time and again been demonstrated by the high volume of requests submitted and the fact that funds are repeatedly depleted long before the end of the fiscal year. Demand for emergency rental assistance is so great that the available ERAP application slots each quarter were filled within hours of opening the portal. We urge you to fund DC’s ERAP program at a minimum of $100 million in FY 2025.

Preserve Public Housing, Expand Affordable Housing: We urge you to commit to preserving and creating deeply affordable housing for households earning 0-30 percent of the Median Family Income (MFI). We recommend:

  • Maintaining the $60 million annual commitment to repairing public housing.

  • $17.3 million for 800 Local Rent Supplement Tenant Vouchers, to assist those on the DC Housing Authority waitlist.

Expand non-congregate shelter for people experiencing homelessness: The District should take steps to transform its shelter system to make them smaller, safer, and trauma informed. Shifting away from large congregate shelters is essential to supporting the dignity of unhoused residents but also to help them. We support the call for two shelters, funded at $13.3 million.

Support street outreach: Given the increase in unsheltered homelessness over the past year, we call on the District to provide $6.4 million for homeless street outreach to fully restore and expand outreach capacity of the Coordinated Street Outreach Network. 

Support medical respite:  We ask you to support 150 medical respite beds, to offer the critical service of caring for the unhoused who need intensive medical support.

Support and Expand Project Reconnect: Project Reconnect is a successful and cost-effective shelter diversion and rapid-exit program for unaccompanied adults experiencing homelessness. By maintaining existing funding for the program at $1.2 million, and adding an additional $545,000, the program can add diversion specialists to reach more people and prevent homelessness at scale.  

Maintain funding for DC Flex: DC Flex gives a yearly stipend of $7,200 to use on rent in the case of an emergency or in a case where a participant is unable to make rent. We urge you to maintain its $1 million funding as we assess this promising approach. 

Maintain 24/7 shelter access: DC expanded access to shelters during the pandemic so that individuals could stay in and/or access the buildings around the clock. We urge you to continue this practice, which will require $8.4 million. 

Create a fund to cover PSH move-in expenses:  The District should create a fund to cover one-time move-in expenses for residents receiving a voucher. Assistance with transportation to find a unit, obtaining necessary documents, and IDs, plus help to purchase household items is critical to ensuring that a voucher can be used quickly.      

Address the critical need for affordable housing: DC will not end chronic homelessness until we address the critical need for affordable housing. We ask that you: 

  • Increase the supply of Tenant Based Local Rent Supplement (LRSP) vouchers, including TAH.

  • Ensure that the Housing Production Trust Fund meets the target of at least 50 percent of funding dedicated to producing housing for extremely low-income households (0-30% MFI). We urge you to fund an adequate number of LRSP vouchers to meet the important targeting requirement of the Trust Fund to produce deeply affordable housing.

  • Ensure all produced affordable housing is accessible.

Housing stability is the foundation of thriving individuals, families and communities. Any long-term vision for a stronger DC must start with ending homelessness and addressing the high rates of housing instability. We must not let the District’s finances this year result in long-term harm to our neighbors with the least resources. Stable and affordable housing is the key to creating healthy communities, which in turn supports school success, reduces crime, and narrows DC’s racial income and wealth gaps.

Thank you again for your leadership and commitment to ending homelessness in our city. We urge you to continue to make progress in FY 2025 towards ending homelessness and increasing the supply of deeply affordable housing for extremely low income households.


The Partnership to End Homelessness Leadership Council

Tonia Wellons, President & CEO

Greater Washington Community Foundation

Apply Today for the 2024 LEARN Foundation Scholarship

The Landover Educational Athletic Recreational Nonprofit (LEARN) was established in 1996 to support education programs for Prince George's County youth residing in the vicinity of FedEx Field stadium. Since its inception, the LEARN Foundation has awarded close to $1 million in scholarships and grants to Prince George’s County students and community organizations.  Embedded in the foundation’s mission is the belief that the future is now, and that through partnerships and collaboration young people residing in the targeted areas can benefit through post-secondary education opportunities. 

In 2002, the LEARN Foundation became a component fund of the Greater Washington Community Foundation. Since that time, hundreds of students have benefited from scholarship awards toward college and other career preparation opportunities.

The fund is now accepting applications for the 2024 awards, which will be awarded in July 2024. The minimum scholarship amount is $1,000. Applicants must be high school seniors residing in the immediate vicinity of FedExField with a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA or better. The applications must include a short personal essay, an official transcript, a school letter, and two letters of recommendation.

Completed applications must be submitted by Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

For more information please contact The LEARN Foundation at learnfoundation18@gmail.com.

Black-Led from the Inside, Out

Service Never Sleeps Whitney Parnell, Founder & CEO and Samson Girma, COO

This year, The Community Foundation is highlighting ‘Leaders of the Future’ – individuals and organizations who inspire us to look towards a brighter future for the Greater Washington region.

In honor and celebration of Black History Month, we are lifting up the incredible contributions of Black leaders – specifically those who are leaders in the movement for economic justice and community empowerment. We are excited to feature Whitney Parnell and Samson Girma, co-founders of Service Never Sleeps (SNS), who engaged in important research on Black leadership supported by The Community Foundation which will be released this summer.

Service Never Sleeps is a Black-Led racial justice organization working toward a world where equal rights, justice, and opportunity are available to all. We empower justice-minded individuals and institutions with the tools and posture to be effective allies, and to create equity within their spheres of influence.

We believe that we all have the responsibility to pursue justice in the areas where we hold privilege. We provide trainings that equip participants to be enduring allies in this “forever work”— understanding that there is no arrival point.

Since 2015, SNS has built a reputation as a go-to organizational teacher in allyship, providing training to over 10,000 people.

In 2020, we navigated the trials of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter uprising together as two Black leaders, during a time when the external demand for SNS’ work multiplied tenfold. It led us to a decisive point where we declared that we are proudly and unapologetically a Black-led organization. We now intentionally name and identify as “Black-Led” -- making it clear that our work is rooted in that identity.

What does it mean to be ‘Black-led’?

The “racial reckoning” that began in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd brought an onslaught of public individual and institutional declarations of commitment to racial justice work at large, and specifically to supporting Black-Led organizations. Funding for Black-Led organizations significantly increased during that period, and there seemed to be more opportunities than ever for financial support of our work.

However, when SNS began to apply for funding, we received feedback that we were ineligible for funding because our work did not directly support Black people. We were also told that our organizational leadership did not meet the identity requirements.

We felt (and still feel) that this feedback was not only inaccurate – it also seemed misguided in fully defining what it means to be “Black Led”. 

Our experience is that the value of being Black-Led is not just in the representation numbers of our staff and board, but goes far deeper into the implications about culture, priorities, and values that extend from the inside, out.

So, over the past two years, we have been leading our own internal research project: What Does it Mean to be Black-Led?

The project engaged over one hundred Black leaders, and dug past the traditional qualifiers of leadership demographics to help identify:

  • How lived experience positions Black leaders for equitable leadership that benefits everyone;

  • The internal/external challenges faced by Black leaders; and

  • What actions and resources promote the success of Black-Led organizations.

The participants’ insights are powerful and educational. We were deeply moved by the validation of our own experiences as Black leaders -- including the systemic challenges that Whitney faces as a Black woman leader. As an organization, we processed how to apply these learnings into culture and policies as we grew our team.

The Black-Led Report

The more we learned about the values of Black-Led organizations and how to center those values, the clearer it became that this information needed to expand beyond our small team, so that as many people as possible could learn and grow from this synthesis of invaluable wisdom. We are excited to use our findings to develop new SNS trainings and resources – starting with a report to be launched this upcoming summer.

As we prepare for the new Black-Led Project content and programming launch, we continue to be grateful for the experiences that led us here. Our research has shown us that Black leadership is very-much a journey, one that is reflected in the paths that we have been on as Black people, and that SNS has been on as an organization. All of it has informed the season that we are in.

We are excited to invite others into this shared journey of growth and liberation with us when we publicly release our long-awaited report this summer. Stay tuned!

Leaders of the Future Spotlight: AfriThrive CEO, Dr. Truphena Choti-Empowering Communities of the African Diaspora

AfriThrive Founder & CEO, Dr. Truphena Choti

When Dr. Truphena Choti moved to Montgomery County with her family, she could not have imagined that 20 years later she would be leading an organization feeding 20,000 people a year.

“I had a career in international development, helping communities around the globe – but I felt strongly that my community – here in Maryland -- needed my help, just as much.”

Born in rural Southeastern Kenya to a large family, Dr. Choti was raised by a single mother who inspired her to work hard and pursue her dreams. After marrying her husband, Charles Choti – a future professor of Kenyan History and Politics – the couple moved to the United States to raise their three children and continue their educations and future careers – Prof. Choti’s in academia and Dr. Choti’s in International Education & Development.

“International Development work is very demanding, rewarding work,” Dr. Choti shared. “It can be quite heavy, but it can impact thousands of lives for the better.”

Strengthening Africa – At Home & Abroad

After getting her PhD in International Education Policy at the University of Maryland, Dr. Choti spent more than a decade with organizations like the National Education Association and Nascent Solutions, designing programs to improve the quality of life for millions living in poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa including a school meals program, a community gardening program, and various initiatives to promote women’s education.  

While Dr. Choti worked tirelessly for international communities abroad, she also carved out time for the growing international community in her backyard – particularly the African immigrant community.

The Greater Washington Region is home to more than 260,000 Black and African migrants – the third largest concentration of Black migrants in the country – a community which is growing rapidly. In Maryland, alone, the number of African immigrants has increased more than 42% over the past decade – with large populations coming from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, and Sierra Leone.

While many migrants (like Dr. Choti’s family), are able to adjust to life in a new country, the vast majority face severe economic, social, and cultural barriers.

“Many migrants come to this country with credentials – they were lawyers and teachers in their home country,” Dr. Choti shared. “But because their credentials aren’t recognized in this country, they are unable to enter a job at a level they deserve. They’re forced to work 2-3 low-entry jobs just to make rent – placing undue burden on themselves and their families.

Other migrants come from rural farming communities, similar to where Dr. Choti grew up – but lack the resources and land access to put their skills to work due to economic and educational barriers.

Dr. Choti with her husband Prof. Charles Choti (left)

Dr. Choti became an early advocate for the local African community while serving on the PTA at her children’s school, witnessing firsthand the challenges that migrant parents face. She started her work in a place near and dear to her heart – in the garden.

“I started gardening as a way to reconnect with my roots,” Dr. Choti shared. “My family didn’t like processed or canned food. We missed fresh produce from my home in Kenya -- Okra, Sweet Potatoes, Kale. It was easier to grow it myself, than to try and find it in the store.”

As the garden grew, Dr. Choti sought out opportunities to share the fruits of her labors with her community. She shared with her neighbors and made produce deliveries to newly arrived refugee families. As word spread and interest grew alongside the vegetables, Dr. Choti began researching how she could more sustainably bring culturally appropriate food to her community.

“I felt that this is where my calling is,” Dr. Choti shared. “Responding to the call of my community.”

In 2019, she founded AfriThrive and began broader efforts to support a growing refugee community in nearby Riverdale Park (Prince George’s County) – all this, while still working a fulltime job in International Development. That would soon change, though -- as within a year the region (and the globe) were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Growing Through the Pandemic

Like many communities, the pandemic had severe economic and health impacts for the Black immigrant community – most notably, food insecurity. Dr. Choti says that cultural barriers in the food system presented a particular challenge. She shared one anecdote of a migrant mother who spent a night in the Emergency Room after accidently cutting herself while trying to open a can of ravioli received from a food pantry. The underlying cause was simple but striking -- the woman had never prepared canned food before – she didn’t own a can opener.

An AfriThrive food distribution in Prince George's County

As food insecurity increased, demand for AfriThrive’s services grew exponentially. Dr. Choti and a team of volunteers quickly mobilized to increase access to culturally appropriate foods and fresh produce. They partnered with DC Central Kitchen to organize weekly food distributions at a local church in Aspen Hill. Within months, the distributions expanded to locations in Gaithersburg and Baltimore, with additional partnerships with 4P Foods and Manna Food Center. By 2022, the organization had distributed more than 1 million pounds of food.

At the same time, AfriThrive sought ways to connect more migrants with the resources to grow their own food. They worked with Montgomery Parks through the Community Gardens program to connect and rent garden plots to migrant families to grow cultural vegetables and herbs.

Dr. Choti and members of the AfriThrive team at the Cultural Farm in Poolesville, MD

In 2022, AfriThrive partnered with Montgomery Countryside Alliance’s Landlink program to help connect more migrants with farming opportunities. Through this program, they were able to secure a 2-acre Cultural Farm in Poolesville, MD to grow more culturally appropriate fresh produce – thanks to a grant through The Community Foundation’s Food for Montgomery partnership.

Continued funding through Sharing Montgomery has allowed AfriThrive to continue to expand its operations and productivity. To date, the Farm has produced more than 30,000 pounds of indigenous African vegetables that have been distributed to the community.

“We are so grateful to Sharing Montgomery,” Dr. Choti shared. “Not only for the funding that has allowed us to continue our work, but also for the partnerships that it has allowed us to build within our community.”

Participants in AfriThrive’s Balozi Advocacy Program

Becoming ‘Balozi’

While Dr. Choti loves the work being done in the garden, she also recognizes the need for outside work –particularly in the advocacy space.

“Policy matters,” Dr. Choti exclaimed. “Unless we address the root causes of food insecurity, the cycle of struggle will continue to spin.”

AfriThrive recently launched an initiative called the Balozi Advocacy Program. Taken from the Swahili word for ‘Ambassador’, the Balozi program is a nine-month course designed to train youth and adults to become policy advocates for their communities.

“We give them space to write their own stories of experiences with the system,” Dr. Choti explained. “From settling in the US to dealing with food insecurity. Then we give them a knowledge of how to navigate the system so they can advocate for their needs.”

Dr. Choti says she hopes the program will empower communities of the African Diaspora to access the information and resources they need to thrive.

“If you have a dream, act on it,” Dr. Choti encouraged future Black leaders. “Don’t wait!”

“There’s no better time to get started than right now. Your community needs you!”

The Community Foundation is proud to partner with AfriThrive through our Food for Montgomery and Sharing Montgomery initiatives to empower communities of the African diaspora in our region. For more information about these initiatives, visit our website. For more information about AfriThrive, visit www.afrithrive.org  

An Agenda for Economic Justice in Prince George's County

The Greater Washington Community Foundation has been working with a coalition of foundation peers - The Partnership for Prince George’s — towards the purpose of dramatically increasing philanthropic investment in Prince George’s County.

We have partnered with Prince George’s Suite Magazine to produce a special edition magazine on economic justice in Prince George’s County. Below is an excerpt from the opening statement, An Agenda for Economic Justice in Prince George’s County

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

Having just celebrated what would have been Dr. King’s 95th birthday, we once again remember him as one of this nation’s most courageous truth-tellers. The words he spoke are as true today as they were when he first penned them just a year before his assassination in 1968. He invited the nation to incisively see the precarity of its place in history, as the country wrestled at the intersection of war, poverty, and persistent racism. His warning and his appeal to our higher morality and deepest ambitions were summed up in the choice that he puts before us:

“Chaos or Community.”

What Dr. King saw in his time; we see now in our own time. Prince George’s County is in a moment where we must reckon with hard truths, courageously wrestle with difficult choices, and reimagine and pursue exciting possibilities that lead us to new reality of shared prosperity and economic justice in the county.

We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.
— Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?

“Prince George’s Proud”

There is much about the county that supports the pride we feel.

We’re passionate about education with a 2-year college, Prince George’s Community College, and five 4-year colleges/universities including the University of Maryland, the state’s flagship campus and one of the nation’s preeminent public research universities, and Bowie State University, Maryland’s first historically black public university.

The county plays host to numerous federal agencies including Joint Base Andrews, NASA Goddard Space Center, and headquarters to both the Census Bureau and the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agencies. And we await the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s impending move.

We are a regional entertainment, leisure-time destination- home to MGM National Harbor, National Resort & Convention Center, FedEx Field and the Washington Commanders. We are also known to have a vibrant and diverse faith community that includes 12 predominantly African American “mega churches” (greater than 2,000 congregants) that draw the faithful from around Maryland and neighboring states.

We can boast a first in Maryland history when in 2018 the county elected its first woman and first African American woman to the office of county executive. And just last year, Prince George’s County was instrumental in voting in the state’s first African American governor

We are home to nearly 1M residents with over 14,500 businesses -- 400 of them employ 100 or more workers, helping to establish record low levels of unemployment.

Yes, we are “Prince George’s Proud” yet understand there is much work to be done so that all our neighbors and friends can realize their full potential and greatest aspirations.

We are a County at a Crossroads of Opportunity

While Prince George’s continues to be one of the wealthiest Black Counties in the country, there remain pockets of residents faced with significant social, economic, and health challenges. The 2008 financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the reality of historical and structural racism revealed the precarity of our collective socio-economic circumstances and revealed gaps across key quality of life indicators including family savings, home equity, life-expectancy, the overall health of our populace. Recovery from these losses in Prince George’s County has been slow.

We contend that these are signals that invite us to name and transform the deeper historical, institutional, and systemic realities that come with being a majority Black—and increasingly Latino County in the nation’s capital region.

Following Dr. King’s admonition, we reject the idea of chaos. We choose community! We contend that this is a moment when we must turn to each other and work together to build an even stronger Prince George’s County for everyone.

As we take steps toward strengthening our philanthropic partnership we commit to engage in disruptive and innovative actions that we hope will inspire even greater partnerships, collective action, more investment into community-based organizations, places, and people, who are struggling the most. Our initial areas of focus include:

  1. Framing a New Narrative. Shaping and amplifying a new narrative in Prince George’s County that is grounded in the lived experiences and deepest aspirations of all our people. This narrative will honor those whose sacrifice and ideas gave rise to the Prince George’s that we know, love, and support today, challenge the status quo, speak to who we are and who we want to be and inspire us all to act in the best interests of each other and a future where we can all prosper together.

  2. Centering People and Neighborhoods. As we pursue an agenda for Economic Justice in Prince George’s County, we believe that by centering the leadership and ambitions of the most economically isolated people in the county and focusing our change efforts in the places where they live, we will create the kind of catalytic change that will benefit all of us and shatter the barriers that reinforce isolation. In other words, when those who are struggling the most do better and thrive—we all do better and thrive.

  3. Exponentially Increasing Public, Private, and Philanthropic Capital. We are committing more philanthropic presence and dollars to help grow and advance Economic Justice work in Prince George’s County. We intend to marshal financial and social capital of resources from among our six organizations to leverage a broad range of additional capital resources—to include new sources of public and private funding, cross- sector partnerships, a strong nonprofit sector, growing influence, and an aligned public will—all in pursuit of an economically just future in Prince George’s County.

  4. Field Building and Capacity. Growing the field of support systems and networks is key. We will identify and resource a cohort of nonprofits and individual leaders working on economic justice initiatives.

  5. Creating Disruptive Innovations and Interventions. We will seek to pool and align funding that supports disruptive and innovative pilots that can move the county toward an economically just future.

  6. Impact for True Change. Consistent investment and efforts in the areas described above can only lead to success creating a county report card that will significantly mark our progress toward a truer economically just Prince George’s County.

A Bias for Action?

“Why should there be hunger and privation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the necessities of life?” - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?

As Dr. King put the choice of Chaos or Community in front of us, he also offered a potential solution -- guaranteed income—an approach where people receive regular cash payments to help them meet their basic needs.

In the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many local governments and philanthropic entities have answered Dr. King’s call – launching more than 100 guaranteed income pilots in communities across the country.

With initial investments from the Community Foundation and Meyer Foundation, the Partnership for Prince George’s is proud to have designed and launched a pilot—Thrive Prince George’s—in partnership with the Prince George’s County Council and the County Executive. Over the next two years, this initiative will provide monthly payments of $800 to a group of low-income seniors and youth who have aged out of the foster care system. Our goal is to demonstrate that guaranteed income, as a strategy to support economic mobility, is one of the most promising approaches to lift people out of poverty and provide greater economic stability for families.

Our commitment to action has instigated several other initiatives that will move us toward becoming a more economically just Prince George’s County. We look forward to sharing more information in the coming months.

We must reflect, discern, choose, and act with courage, resolve, and expediency. We are partnering with Prince George’s Suite Magazine to circulate a special edition dedicated to “An Agenda for Economic Justice in Prince George’s County.” We look forward to sharing and discussing this content, as we build momentum and alignment around this collective work.

Join us as we work to build a stronger Prince George’s County for everyone!


Greater Washington Community Foundation,
Tonia Wellons, President & CEO       

Bank of America Foundation
Derrick Perkins, Market Executive

if, A Foundation for Radical Possibility                       
Hanh Le, Co-CEO                                                                  

if, A Foundation for Radical Possibility    
Temi F. Bennett, Esq., Co-CEO

Jayme Wooten, Founder & CEO 

Meyer Foundation
George L. Askew, M.D., President & CEO

United Way of the National Capital Area
Ian Gordon, Vice President Community Impact & Engagement


Please direct inquiries to Darcelle Wilson, Greater Washington Community Foundation, Senior Director, Prince George’s County at dwilson@thecommunityfoundation.org.

Click here to read the original article, as published in PG Suite Magazine.

The Community Foundation is also excited to host a series of three conversations around Economic Justice in Prince George’s County. The first conversation will take place on Wendesday, March 27, 2024 from 10-11:30 a.m. Click here to register to join!

Board Member Spotlight: Michael A. Echols, Advisory Board Chair for The Community Foundation in Prince George's County

In December 2023, Michael A. Echols (Mike) was elected as the new Advisory Board Chair for The Community Foundation in Prince George’s County. As part of our series on Leaders of the Future, we asked Mike to share his insights on Black Leaders in the Push for Economic Justice.

Why do you think economic justice is important?

Economic justice stands as the lynchpin of an equitable society, providing the necessary foundation upon which all other facets of social justice can thrive. It serves as the cornerstone of hope, instilling in individuals the belief that their efforts and contributions will be met with fair and just outcomes. Whether one is laboring through two jobs or pursuing an entrepreneurial endeavor, it is in the pursuit of alignment with a system that recognizes and rewards diligence and innovation. Without economic justice, the promise of opportunity and upward mobility remains elusive, perpetuating cycles of inequality and disenfranchisement. Therefore, ensuring economic justice is not merely a matter of fairness, but a fundamental prerequisite for fostering a society where every individual can fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to the collective well-being.

What does economic justice look like? Please describe how you or your organization promote or cultivate economic justice?

Economic justice encompasses a multifaceted approach aimed at ensuring fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and benefits within society. It involves addressing systemic inequalities and barriers to economic participation, as well as promoting policies and practices that empower marginalized communities and promote economic well-being for all. I consider myself a pioneering figure in attempting to assure equal opportunities field of cybersecurity, I seek economic justice for the community and the nation through advocacy and actions. I understand that economic disparities can significantly impact communities, particularly those historically marginalized or underrepresented in the technology sector. Access to the Internet, to training and employment opportunities are critical for fair representation. This is important as everything will be digitized in our near future. Therefore, my efforts center on actively working to dismantle barriers to entry in the cybersecurity field, advocating for increased access to education, training, and job opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds. My' efforts extend beyond individual empowerment to systemic change. I collaborate with government agencies, educational institutions, and industry partners to develop initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the cybersecurity workforce. By advocating for policies that prioritize economic justice, such as equitable hiring practices and investment in underserved communities, I aim to create a more inclusive and resilient economy that benefits everyone. Furthermore, I recognize the interconnectedness of economic justice with other forms of social justice. So, I actively support initiatives that address systemic issues such as racial inequality, gender discrimination, and socioeconomic disparities, recognizing that these factors intersect and compound to perpetuate economic injustice.

What does it mean to be a Black leader or to promote and cultivate Black leadership?

Fostering Black leadership involves actively addressing systemic barriers and structural inequalities that impede the advancement of Black individuals into leadership roles. The next "team" should not run into the same barriers and wall. This is done by This advocating for policies and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, while also challenging systemic racism. By making my back available to carry others who will move far beyond where my years will take the community we are carrying on a tradition started during the days of slavery. By advocating for social justice reforms and creating more equitable opportunities for leadership and success within the Black community and society at large, we can do more than just cultivate leaders. rather, we can thrust them forward and allow the choice of paths. My conditions now will not be the ones faced by the tip of the spear five years from now. Empowering the next generation to be impactful means providing the tools and letting them use what is in the tool bag in a manner appropriate to the positive change and progress.

When you reflect on Black History in the Greater Washington region, what does the next chapter of Black History look like to you?

The forthcoming chapter of Black history in the Greater Washington region embodies a narrative of hope, progress, and collective action towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It envisions a future where the legacy of resilience and triumph among Black communities continues to inspire generations, fostering increased representation, equity, and justice across all facets of life. The question is how do we empower the next generation to roll forward with minimal speedbumps in their path? And, what tools do we need to provide them enabling an ability to smoothly overcome challenges we are sure they will face? The next chapter of Black history will involve the dismantling of systemic racism and the implementation of policies that promote social justice and equity for all. Success will be measured by the achievement of objectives. One of them is that Black individuals are not only recognized for their contributions to the region's history, but also for their ongoing leadership in shaping its future.

Leaders of the Future: Black Leaders in the Push for Economic Justice

In 2024, The Community Foundation is highlighting 'Leaders of the Future' - individuals and organizations who inspire us to look towards a brighter future for Greater Washington.

To kick off our "Leaders of the Future" campaign , we invited incredible Black leaders from across the region to share their experiences, including their insights into the movement for socio-economic justice.

  • What is your relationship to The Community Foundation?

    I am the incoming Chair of the Prince George's County Community Foundation.

    Why do you think economic justice is important?

    Economic justice stands as the lynchpin of an equitable society, providing the necessary foundation upon which all other facets of social justice can thrive. It serves as the cornerstone of hope, instilling in individuals the belief that their efforts and contributions will be met with fair and just outcomes. Whether one is laboring through two jobs or pursuing an entrepreneurial endeavor, it is in the pursuit of alignment with a system that recognizes and rewards diligence and innovation. Without economic justice, the promise of opportunity and upward mobility remains elusive, perpetuating cycles of inequality and disenfranchisement. Therefore, ensuring economic justice is not merely a matter of fairness, but a fundamental prerequisite for fostering a society where every individual can fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to the collective well-being.

    What does economic justice look like? Please describe how you or your organization promote or cultivate economic justice?

    Economic justice encompasses a multifaceted approach aimed at ensuring fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and benefits within society. It involves addressing systemic inequalities and barriers to economic participation, as well as promoting policies and practices that empower marginalized communities and promote economic well-being for all.

    I consider myself a pioneering figure in attempting to assure equal opportunities field of cybersecurity, I seek economic justice for the community and the nation through advocacy and actions. I understand that economic disparities can significantly impact communities, particularly those historically marginalized or underrepresented in the technology sector. Access to the Internet, to training and employment opportunities are critical for fair representation. This is important as everything will be digitized in our near future. Therefore, my efforts center on actively working to dismantle barriers to entry in the cybersecurity field, advocating for increased access to education, training, and job opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds.

    My efforts extend beyond individual empowerment to systemic change. I collaborate with government agencies, educational institutions, and industry partners to develop initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the cybersecurity workforce. By advocating for policies that prioritize economic justice, such as equitable hiring practices and investment in underserved communities, I aim to create a more inclusive and resilient economy that benefits everyone.

    Furthermore, I recognize the interconnectedness of economic justice with other forms of social justice. So, I actively support initiatives that address systemic issues such as racial inequality, gender discrimination, and socioeconomic disparities, recognizing that these factors intersect and compound to perpetuate economic injustice.

    What does it mean to be a Black leader or to promote and cultivate Black leadership?

    Fostering Black leadership involves actively addressing systemic barriers and structural inequalities that impede the advancement of Black individuals into leadership roles. The next "team" should not run into the same barriers and wall. This is done by This advocating for policies and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, while also challenging systemic racism. By making my back available to carry others who will move far beyond where my years will take the community we are carrying on a tradition started during the days of slavery.

    By advocating for social justice reforms and creating more equitable opportunities for leadership and success within the Black community and society at large, we can do more than just cultivate leaders. rather, we can thrust them forward and allow the choice of paths. My conditions now will not be the ones faced by the tip of the spear five years from now. Empowering the next generation to be impactful means providing the tools and letting them use what is in the tool bag in a manner appropriate to the positive change and progress.

    When you reflect on Black History in the Greater Washington region, what does the next chapter of Black History look like to you?

    The forthcoming chapter of Black history in the Greater Washington region embodies a narrative of hope, progress, and collective action towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It envisions a future where the legacy of resilience and triumph among Black communities continues to inspire generations, fostering increased representation, equity, and justice across all facets of life.

    The question is how do we empower the next generation to roll forward with minimal speedbumps in their path? And, what tools do we need to provide them enabling an ability to smoothly overcome challenges we are sure they will face?

    The next chapter of Black history will involve the dismantling of systemic racism and the implementation of policies that promote social justice and equity for all. Success will be measured by the achievement of objectives. One of them is that Black individuals are not only recognized for their contributions to the region's history, but also for their ongoing leadership in shaping its future.

  • What is your relationship to The Community Foundation?

    The Community Foundation was one of the first organizations to fund us - we have had a successful partnership with them for over 5 years.

    Why do you think economic justice is important?

    The main reason is because when you look at the inequality around society, most of the problems are within the top 1%. The scales are so unbalanced that greed, dysfunction, and power imbalances in society become cyclical, fueling one another. We've forgotten about the "my brother's keeper" mentality.

    What does economic justice look like? Please describe how you or your organization promote or cultivate economic justice?

    Economic justice looks like a fairer justice system for returning citizens by meeting all of their needs and giving them the opportunity to succeed so that we might help them see a path for themselves outside of the criminal legal space on their own, without the shackles of supervision or monitoring. It looks like pouring resources into people and removing barriers to their success and wellbeing.

    What does it mean to be a Black leader or to promote and cultivate Black leadership?

    Black Leadership is about owning up to past wrongs, enduring a slow ground-up approach, being a sacrificial lamb, practicing the principles of integrity, truth, and love. Leading by example without the celebrity and understanding that we have to be the change we want to see, with patience and tolerance.

    When you reflect on Black History in the Greater Washington region, what does the next chapter of Black History look like to you?

    Enduring strength, youth leadership, supporting and encouraging our black men. Building community and promoting a restorative justice model.

  • What is your relationship to The Community Foundation?

    DC Justice Lab is lucky to have been included in two important grant-making programs from the foundation. When we were first getting up and running, we received funds to help with our operational costs and capacity building. Last year, we were selected as part of its groundbreaking deep investment into local policy advocacy and systems change, under the Health Equity Fund.

    Why do you think economic justice is important?

    People who live in Georgetown live an average of 27 years longer than people who live in Anacostia. Many of the social determinants of health are impacted by seismic income and wealth disparities in our city.

    What does economic justice look like? Please describe how you or your organization promote or cultivate economic justice?

    DC Justice Lab is promoting economic justice by combatting the criminalization of poverty and fighting for reparations for Black Washingtonians.

    What does it mean to be a Black leader or to promote and cultivate Black leadership?

    Finding new strategies for civic participation and political education has been the most rewarding part of our recent work. We are investing in Black-led organizations through our Policy Training Academy, preparing future movement lawyers through our DC Justice Fellow program and Policy Advocacy Competition, and teaching community members how to change systems through our DC Justice Library. We know that positioning people to step into and fully express their own power is more transformative than anything we could do alone.

    When you reflect on Black History in the Greater Washington region, what does the next chapter of Black History look like to you?

    The next chapter of Black History looks like Black Unity. After two generations of dividing our communities based on poverty and subjugating people who have been system-involved, it is time for a unified pro-Black movement for changing and dismantling institutions that harm us.

  • What is your relationship to The Community Foundation?

    Interfaith Works (IW) and the Greater Washington Community Foundation serve as strategic partners. Primarily, the Community Foundation supports our emergency financial assistance program, Connections. Additionally, IW and The Community Foundation are co-hosting a Faith and Philanthropy forum on February 27, with a specific focus on economic justice in Montgomery County.

    Why do you think economic justice is important?

    Economic equity ensures that our neighbors in Montgomery County have an opportunity to earn a livable wage sufficient to live without public assistance like rental subsidies, SNAP, or other government cash assistance.

    What does economic justice look like? Please describe how you or your organization promote or cultivate economic justice?

    Interfaith Works has been serving people who experience poverty for 52 years. Last year, we served 35,000 Montgomery County residents. Our programs are centered around removing systemic and economic barriers that prevent residents from achieving stability and thriving. Sadly, there are deeper systemic challenges that must also be addressed. In Montgomery County, one must earn $35/hr to afford an average two-bedroom apartment. This is out of reach for many in Montgomery County, where the minimum hourly wage is $16.70. This disparity explains the surge in demand that Interfaith Works has seen for our shelter, supportive housing, food and clothing distribution, emergency financial assistance, and job placement services.

    While our programs have been expanded significantly to meet the demand, the need continues to grow. At the macro level, IW hosts forums on critical issues like homelessness, affordable housing, and food insecurity. We also routinely engage with elected officials and business leaders to ensure they remain aware of the difficulties faced by our clients. Through these efforts, we help ensure that the community remains engaged with solutions to the challenges affecting our neighbors.

    Recently, Interfaith Works launched a collaboration with a data analysis firm to understand better the conditions in our community that cause the continued need for our services. While we do not yet have firm answers, we are certain that solutions will center around economic justice.

    What does it mean to be a Black leader or to promote and cultivate Black leadership?

    I have the privilege of leading Interfaith Works, a 190-person nonprofit organization that serves 35,000 people each year who experience poverty. In Montgomery County, Black people disproportionately experience poverty, relative to the population size. As CEO, I work with our dedicated team to ensure that these services reach the people with the greatest need and that clients are treated in an equitable and dignified manner. I also support Black leaders in the County as Board Treasurer for The Montgomery County Black Collective. The Collective creates space for underrepresented businesses to access resources that have long been unavailable to the Black community – a barrier that has prevented many from achieving economic security.

    When you reflect on Black History in the Greater Washington region, what does the next chapter of Black History look like to you?

    In the wake of recent stories about workplace racism, I am concerned that some Black professionals may avoid leadership opportunities for fear of being mistreated. This trepidation is legitimate. Unfortunately, when Black leaders are missing from the table, they cannot influence decisions and their unique viewpoints are not represented. This has a direct effect on the broader Black community and can affect how information and resources are distributed.

    For the next chapter of Black History to be bright, businesses in the Greater Washington community must double down on efforts to create nurturing work environments. It is also crucial that we lead the way in addressing workplace maltreatment, which is experienced by too many Black employees. Taking these steps will help ensure that our community is enhanced for everyone.

  • What is your relationship to The Community Foundation?

    The BBC is a recipient of funding from the Community Foundation to support our mission of addressing systemic barriers in public education.

    Why do you think economic justice is important?

    Economic Justice empowers marginalized people and communities to be self reliant and productive participants that creates social mobility, independence and prosperity across generations.

    What does economic justice look like? Please describe how you or your organization promote or cultivate economic justice?

    Education is proven enabler of social mobility and economic prosperity, so our focus has been on dismantling systemic barriers in public education that limit access to resources and opportunities for Black, Brown, and students from low income families.

    What does it mean to be a Black leader or to promote and cultivate Black leadership?

    Effective Black leadership is fully cognizant of the diverse historical, cultural, and social fabric that makes up Black communities, and the many racially motivated challenges we’re still facing. However, building relationships to forge new pathways and create mutually beneficial solutions with other communities is critical to making progress.

    When you reflect on Black History in the Greater Washington region, what does the next chapter of Black History look like to you?

    I believe we are at a critical inflection point. Our traditional Black institutions have been weakened, and the community values that protected and helped us make progress together for generations are waning. The trajectory of next chapters of Black History will depend on how effectively we collaborate with like-minded people, especially in ensuring our children have access to a high-quality education that prepares them to compete globally and build economic justice and prosperity for our communities.

Exciting Lineup Revealed: Performers for March 21st Celebration of Philanthropy!


We're thrilled to announce the exceptional lineup of performers for the Celebration of Philanthropy at the National Building Museum on March 21, 2024. To secure your tickets for this extraordinary event, please visit www.thecommunityfoundation.org/celebration

American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

Founded in 1964, AYPO is one of the nation’s leading youth orchestra organizations. AYPO’s mission is to provide a prestigious and transformational set of growth opportunities in classical music performance for young musicians from all backgrounds in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

Each year, AYPO provides conservatory-quality orchestral training and performance experience for more than 625 talented musicians ages 7 to 19 from the Greater Washington region. Nearly 70% of AYPO students identify as people of color. Over the past decade AYPO has grown to its current size, with eight orchestras, six instrumental ensembles, the Summer String Academy, and the Music Buddies outreach program for underserved children. This evening we present a group from our senior Chamber Ensemble, and a group from the Junior Chamber Ensemble.

Since 2007, Spur Local (formerly the Catalogue for Philanthropy) has recognized AYPO as one of the best small charities in Greater Washington.

The Northeast Performing Arts Group

The Northeast Performing Arts Group (NEPAG) is an award-winning, culturally based arts and education program with a mission: “To develop and foster the creative talents of youth in the Northeast/Southeast corridors of Washington, D.C. through performing and visual arts, as an alternative to street life and to teach the invaluable lessons of discipline, commitment and team motivation.” NEPAG has trained over 9,000 youth and helped more than 400 enroll in college. Forty-four years later, the center and arts studio has evolved into a haven where young people, ages 3 - 18, can prepare for life while exploring the arts after school, on weekends, and during the 9-week Summer Performing Arts Camp. The NEPAG is currently under the executive direction of Carrington Lassiter.

The NEPAG will provide dance performance excerpts from its most notable productions, "The Lion King: RELOADED",” The Wiz,” and "On Broadway". The dance styles will include ballet technique, African, Broadway jazz, liturgical, modern, and hip-hop.

Prince George’s Arts & Humanities Council

The Prince George’s Arts and Humanities Council is guided by a goal to promote artistic achievement and creative expression in all of its forms. PGAHC support life-long learning through the arts and humanities, particularly in arts education initiatives geared toward young people. It is their belief that the arts and humanities are the catalyst to bridge racial, cultural, social and generational gaps. It is with this in mind that the PGAHC builds stronger communities through education, government, business and private funding partnerships.

PGAHC is proud to present Saniya Pearson, the 2024 Prince George's Youth Poet Laureate. Saniya is a 16-year-old International Baccalaureate student at Central High School, where she is the president of her 10th-grade class, a Mock Trial defense attorney, a Green Team contributor, and a varsity tennis player. As Prince George's County's Poet Ambassador, Saniya has performed her socially conscious and uplifting pieces nationwide.

Montgomery College

The MC Jazztet offers an impressive mix of Latin Jazz, Fusion, and Modern Jazz in their performances. This talented group seamlessly blends Modern and Traditional Jazz, covering a wide range of styles including Early Jazz, Swing, Bebop, Latin Jazz, and Jazz Fusion.

Made up of students, community members, and home-schooled students, the ensemble has entertained audiences at various community events and private functions across the Washington DC metro area. Many members of the MC Jazztet have been accepted into top music schools and conservatories nationwide.

They've had Notable performances at venues like the Glen Echo Ballroom, Blues Alley Jazz Jam, Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival, and The Smithsonian Museum of American History.

Under the direction of Alvin F. Trask, the Montgomery College Jazz program nurtures musical talent and fosters artistic development.

Batalá Washington

Batalá Washington is an all-women percussion band with a mission to empower women through drumming and expose communities to Brazil’s dynamic Afro-Bahian culture and Samba-Reggae music. Joining this nonprofit band is free of charge, regardless of musical experience or background.

Playing rhythms typical of northeastern Brazil, Batalá’s heavily syncopated music is rooted in traditional African drumming and accented with Brazilian samba and Caribbean reggae. The women of Batalá play this music on five different drums, creating a powerful, dynamic sound that has captivated audiences in the DC area for over 15 years. The music, combined with colorful costumes and energetic dancing, creates a memorable visual and auditory experience.

All proceeds go towards providing instruments and costumes to members, who are all volunteers. Batalá’s instruments and clothing are manufactured in Salvador, where the band operates a social program providing jobs for low-income families.


Gifting Real Estate for a Meaningful Impact

By Angela Baker, JD Realtor
Seniors Real Estate Specialist

As you contemplate the gifts you will make this year, consider the benefits of gifting appreciated real estate.

Whether or not your beneficiary is a charity, gifting real estate outright or in trust can transform lives and communities and create a legacy that extends beyond your lifetime.

The Gift of Real Estate - Things to Consider

While a gift to a non-charitable beneficiary, such as a family member or friend, can provide them with financial security or help support their goals, it’s important to consider the financial and practical implications for you and your beneficiary. You’ll want to ensure that your loved ones are willing and able to take on any responsibilities, such as maintenance, insurance, and taxes, associated with the gifted property and establish a contingency plan in case your beneficiary predeceases you or is unable to assume ownership of the property.

On the other hand, a gift to charity allows you to support causes you are passionate about and see your gift put to impactful use. Be sure to confirm that your charity is willing and able to accept a gift of real estate.

How to Give Real Estate - Outright vs Trust

When you make an outright gift, the ownership and control transfer immediately, allowing your beneficiary to use or sell the property as they wish. The responsibility for the management, maintenance, and associated costs is no longer yours. An outright gift is generally simpler, involves fewer administrative complexities, and can provide immediate tax benefits based on the property’s fair market value at the time of the gift.

Another option is to make a gift in trust. This can be accomplished in multiple ways and provides you with flexibility and control over the property while still benefiting your charitable or non-charitable beneficiaries. A trust can also provide several tax benefits. Trusts are typically more complex to establish and have costs associated with ongoing administration and reporting. Your Trustee’s role is significant. So, ensure they understand their obligations and are willing and able to serve.

For non-charitable purposes, a trust can help ensure that the property is managed and distributed according to your wishes. Whether you establish a revocable or irrevocable trust will depend, in large part, on your circumstances and desired level of control. If privacy and the avoidance of probate are important to you, a trust, unlike a will, will offer both.

A charitable gift in trust, unlike an outright gift, allows you to retain some control during your lifetime or for a specified period. You can specify how the property should be managed and used and when it should be distributed to the charity. A charitable trust can also provide income, gift, capital gain, and estate tax benefits. A charitable remainder trust, for example, can provide an immediate income tax deduction for a percentage of the property’s fair market value at the time of the gift. If and when the trust sells the appreciated property, capital gains taxes are generally avoided since the trust is tax-exempt.

Creating a Legacy Through Real Estate

Gifting real estate outright or in trust to charitable or non-charitable beneficiaries presents a powerful opportunity to maximize the many benefits and create a meaningful legacy for you and your beneficiaries. The decision between an outright donation or establishing a trust will depend on your specific circumstances, goals, and desired level of control over the property. Be sure to consult with an estate planning attorney and other professionals to understand the options, complexities, tax implications, and legal requirements and to ensure your wishes are properly documented and executed.

This post should not be misconstrued as legal, financial, or tax advice but is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Contact your advisor(s) for advice on your specific circumstances.

birdSEED Foundation: Planting Seeds of Hope for Black First-Time Homeowners

birdSEED recipient Tiffany (Coco) Brown, at her new home in Prince George’s County.

For years, Tiffany (Coco) Brown had dreamed of accomplishing something that no one else in her family had ever done before – purchasing a house that she could call home.

“I wanted someplace where my family could gather and be together,” Coco shared. “Someplace safe that we could call ‘ours’.”

Like many Black families in the Greater Washington region, as a child Coco’s parents could only afford to rent their home in Washington, DC. As economic conditions in the housing market turned, Coco remembers moving several times over the course of her childhood, leaving behind friends and childhood memories as the family sought out a new place to live.

“Growing up, I knew I wanted to live in my own house,” Coco shared. “I just wasn’t sure where to start.”

In 2021, Coco decided to pursue her dream of becoming a homeowner. But while navigating the world of real estate can be complicated for just about anybody, studies show that it has been historically – even deliberately – complex for people of color.

According to a recent study by the National Association of Realtors, only 44% of Black Americans are homeowners – compared to 73% of White Americans. The disparity, which is built on a foundation of decades of redlining and discriminatory lending practices, represents the largest racial homeownership gap in the past decade.

“There’s not very many things out there for people who look like me,” she added. “When it comes to buying a house, we don’t have the resources or the information to get the help we need.”

Over the course of her housing search, Coco went through four different realtors, mountains of paperwork, and dozens of house tours. She also enrolled in several programs designed to help first-time homebuyers – which she soon discovered involved even more paperwork and strict eligibility requirements.

“Pack your patience,” she recalled of her experience. “It’s a lot.”

That was when she heard about the Housing Justice & Down Payment Assistance Program at the birdSEED Foundation – a non-profit organization born from a collaboration between Nest DC (formerly known as Flock DC) – which provided the initial funding to seed the program - and the Greater Washington Community Foundation. The program provides grants of $5,000 - $15,000 to Black & Brown first-time homebuyers with no strings attached.

“This is our work to do – helping those who have been historically disadvantaged to purchase homes,” shared lisa wise, CEO of Nest DC and founder of birdSEED.

birdSEED is boldly branded as a ‘housing justice’ initiative – a starting point for reparations from an industry that has played a major role in the creation of the racial wealth gap.

“Homeownership is one of the most effective ways that Americans build intergenerational wealth,” Darius Graham, Managing Director of Community Investment at The Community Foundation stated. “And even though equal access to housing is a civil right enshrined in our nation’s laws, systemic racism within housing institutions have kept communities of color from accessing it for far too long.”­

“[birdSEED] isn’t about philanthropy,” wise added. “It’s about wealth creation; it’s about transferring and building wealth – and creating a model for the rest of the business community that we hope others will follow.”

birdSEED was designed to take away as many barriers for Black and Brown homebuyers to receive support, as possible. The application process is kept intentionally simple and is open year-round, with grants awarded twice a year by a panel of volunteer advisory board members. Once awarded, grant recipients have 120 days to close on a home and release the funds, which are managed by The Community Foundation.

“We are laser focused on making no strings attached down payment grants,” Leslie Case, Executive Director of birdSEED added. “If we can focus more on the giving and less on the accountability, we believe we can give more and have a bigger impact.”

Since its launch in September 2020, birdSEED has awarded 41 provisional grants to help Black and Brown first-time homebuyers – including Coco -- get one step closer to their dream of home ownership.

“birdSEED was a lifesaver,” Coco said. “Without them, I don’t think I would have gone to closing.”

Coco submitted her birdSEED application in September 2022—and within a month was awarded a $10,000 provisional grant. Five months later, Coco closed on her dream home in Hillcrest Heights in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

“The fact that [the homebuying search] is over, is such a stress reliever,” Coco shared, as she approaches her one-year anniversary of homeownership. “To be able to spend holidays, birthdays, and game nights in my own space with the ones I love is a wonderful experience.”

While wise, Case, and The Community Foundation celebrate the success of birdSEED, we also acknowledge how much work remains to be done to close the racial homeownership gap. Of the 41 provisional grants awarded to Black and Brown first-time homebuyers through birdSEED, some of them have still been unable to close on a house – a humbling testament to the many challenges that first-time homebuyers of color must overcome on the road to homeownership.

Despite the challenges, wise and Coco say that birdSEED provides a beacon of hope that they hope will continue to spread to more members of the Greater Washington community.  

“A lot of people ask what they can do – especially when confronted with big issues like the racial wealth gap,” wise said. “You can start with this –a down payment towards building a more equitable community. It may seem like a small step – but it’s a huge step in the right direction.”

One evidence of that hope came from Coco, who when asked what advice she had for fellow aspiring homeowners, simply stated the following:

“If I can do it, you can do it”

The Community Foundation is proud to award the birdSEED Foundation with a $100,000 grant to support homeownership for residents of Prince George’s County and Montgomery County. The investment is part of our Together, We Prosper campaign investment strategy to close the racial wealth gap in the Greater Washington region. For more information, visit our website or contact campaign@thecommunityfoundation.org

Health in All Policies – A New Way of Thinking About Advocacy

What do a bus route, a new grocery store, a public housing complex, and a new public school all have in common?

The answer may not seem obvious, but groups across the country argue that this common denominator – considering health in public policy - is critical to the longevity and wellbeing of communities.

Last month, the Health Equity Fund convened its third grant partner learning series event to explore how leading with this concept could help magnify their advocacy efforts.

“It is critical that we consider health first in public policy,” Dr. Keshia Pollack Porter, Bloomberg Centennial Chair at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health explained. “Integrating and articulating health considerations into policymaking across sectors has the potential to improve the health and wellbeing for thousands – particularly for communities of color.”

The idea of leading with Health in All Policies (HiAP) is not a new concept. Over the past decade, the approach has been championed by major health agencies like the CDC, the World Health Organization, and others as a way to build a stronger, more resilient health system.

The idea is that by promoting health, equity, and sustainability considerations while engaging a broader array of stakeholders, policymakers can ultimately build a system that works better for everyone.

As the DC government prepares to release its budget, many nonprofit partners with the Health Equity Fund hope that promoting a Health in All Policies mindset will have an impact that carries over into FY25 and beyond.

Dr. Keshia Pollack Porter, Bloomberg Centennial Chair at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health outlines Health in All Policies for Health Equity Partners.

“Health in All Policies is critical to helping us achieve health equity,” Dr. Pollack Porter shared. “Policymakers and agencies must understand that healthcare (and the gaps that exist in healthcare) aren’t confined within the walls of a hospital. Community Health is so much more than that.”

However, Dr. Pollack Porter explained that for many government agencies – especially those that operate in silos - adopting a mindset of Health in All Policies can take some time to implement.

“Collaboration has to be a physical activity,” Christina Henderson, DC Council Member (At-Large) and Chair of DC’s Council on Health shared. “By naming it [Health in All Policies], we force people to be more intentional and explicit in considering how their actions have broader impact – not only across their agencies or departments, but across our community.”

Council Member Henderson joined Dr. Pollack Porter and Dr. Arnetto Arno, Director of the DC Office of Health Equity, to share how Health in All Policies has been implemented at the DC Government level. She explained that while the DC government has made a lot of progress, there is still a lot of work to do to catch the vision of Health in All Policies.

“There’s so much more that goes into the health of a person than just access to health insurance,” Council Member Henderson explained, pointing out that DC ranks among the top cities in the nation for enrollment in Medicaid – but lags far behind in other critical areas like access to healthcare.

“We have to look outside of the data; outside of our departments, and see what’s really happening,” Dr. Arno shared. “Too often the data and averages that we use to formulate public policy mask the inequities that keep us from moving forward.”

“Health in All Policies is about taking a broader approach to find a better way to advance the policies that can make a difference.”

Dr. Arno added that the most rewarding and fulfilling work of Health in All Policies actually comes – not from the data – but from engaging with the community.

“If we’re hearing from community members, our policies simply aren’t going to get where they need to be.”

Dr. Arno’s assessment was echoed by several national advocates of the Health in All Policies framework – including Rachel Rosekind of Write You Are and Roxanne Carrillo Garza of Health Contra Costa (formerly Healthy Richmond CA) – who joined the event via zoom.

“It can’t be understated how important it is to seek out community engagement and input from those with lived experience,” Garza shared. “Lived experience is just as valuable – if not more so – when it comes to impacting the life of a community, than policy experience.”

“We need to help agencies change how they think about their processes,” Mark Humowiecki of the Camden Coalition added. “We don’t want them medicalizing their services – we just want them to be more mindful of how their processes can positively or negatively impact the health of our community.”

“As we leave this event, may we all be more intentional about incorporating Health in All Policies into our regular vocabulary,” Dr. Marla Dean, Senior Director of the Health Equity Fund shared at the conclusion. “As we seek to lead with Health in All Policies in our advocacy work, we move closer to achieving health equity.” 

For more information about the Greater Washington Community Foundation’s Health Equity Fund, visit our website!

2024 Montgomery County Philanthropist of the Year Award Nominations Now Open!

Left to Right: Mary Pat Alcus (2023 Montgomery County Philanthropist of the Year) and Tonia Wellons (President/CEO) at the Celebration of Giving.

The Community Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Montgomery County Philanthropist of the Year Award!

The Philanthropist of the Year will be recognized at the 2024 Celebration of Giving later this fall. Read on for more information!

Nomination guidelines

Purpose: To honor an individual who has made a positive impact in our community through giving, and whose philanthropic leadership sets an inspiring example for us all. 

Nomination Process

Complete the official nomination form and submit a letter (2 pages max) explaining why your nominee should be selected as the Montgomery County Philanthropist of the Year. 

Please note: the cover form must be completed in its entirety.  The 2-page letter must convey that the nominee meets all the eligibility criteria. Nominators are welcome to submit attachments that will help convey the impact of the nominee’s giving and philanthropic leadership.  However, the Awards Committee will not accept nominations which rely solely on resumes, newspaper articles, annual reports, or the like in substitution for concise responses to the criteria outlined above. 

When feasible, nominators are welcome to team up with other organizations to submit a joint nomination that will more fully articulate the nominee’s philanthropic leadership and impact.

Pending review by the Philanthropist of the Year Selection Committee, The Community Foundation staff may contact you for additional information. 

For inspiration, look no further than our past Philanthropist of the Year honorees.

Eligibility Criteria: 

All nominees must:

  • Be a resident of Montgomery County

  • Have a demonstrated track record of charitable giving to one or more nonprofit organizations based in and working in Montgomery County*

  • Have made a positive impact in the lives of county residents through their giving*

  • Encourage/motivate others to become philanthropic

Please Note: We encourage nominators to give special emphasis to any extraordinary giving and/or leadership over the past few years which helped your organization adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or advance work related to racial equity and inclusion.  Please know, the level of charitable dollars given is secondary to its impact and potential to inspire others to follow suit. Creative approaches to philanthropy are welcome!  Nominees may be of any age.

In exceptional circumstances, the Selection Committee may consider a former resident, a family unit, or a philanthropist who is deceased. 


The nomination form, letter, and any additional attachments must be submitted via email with subject line “Philanthropist of the Year 2024 – Name of Nominee” by close of business on Thursday, March 7, 2024 to:

Olivia Hsu

Development Associate, Montgomery County


All nominators will receive confirmation that the nomination has been submitted within 24 hours of receipt. The Community Foundation in Montgomery County will contact the selected awardee(s) and their nominator by June. All other nominations will remain confidential.

Questions: Contact Olivia Hsu at ohsu@thecommunityfoundation.org.

Planned Giving Pointers for 2024

A new year is such a great time to plan and reboot. Cliche as it may be to talk about resolutions this time of year, it’s tough to deny that January represents a clean slate for “to-do” lists, goals, and your overall mindset.

As you think about your 2024 charitable giving goals and priorities – including planned giving, here are a few tips to help break down the concept of planned giving and how The Community Foundation can help you achieve your charitable goals.

It may help to think of “planned giving” in contrast to what’s sometimes called “current” or “annual” giving. For example, when you write a check to a charitable organization such as your fund at The Community Foundation, you’re transferring those funds immediately in a relatively straightforward manner.

By contrast, a “planned gift” can be simple or complex and more forward-looking than current or annual support for your favorite charitable causes. Planned gifts can include bequests, beneficiary designations, gifts of business interests, real estate, tangible personal property, and more. Making strategic current or future transfers through one’s assets, to charity is often referred to as “planned giving” or “gift planning”  because these gifts can allow donors to give more significant gifts in support of their causes than they thought possible, but it requires some planning. Here are examples of common “planned gifts:” 

  • A bequest in your will or trust allows you to name a charity, such as your fund at the community foundation, to receive a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a particular item, such as a residence, after your lifetime, for example. The team at The Community Foundation can work with you and your advisors to include a bequest in your estate plan using the proper bequest language. 

  • Beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, retirement plans, or any accounts that pass through a beneficiary form can be practical tools for making gifts. The team at The Community Foundation can work with you and your advisors to complete the paperwork required to properly designate your fund or create a fund at The Community Foundation using a beneficiary designation form.

  • Setting up a life-income gift, such as a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity, is often an effective way for you to ensure that money will flow from your estate to a charity, such as your fund at The Community Foundation, in a way that meets both your philanthropic intentions and your financial goals (including retaining an income stream and triggering an up-front charitable income tax deduction).

Planned giving does not involve just giving after your lifetime but can also be done now, such as if you are planning the sale of a business or if you have a property you may be interested in donating or a life insurance policy that you no longer need, for example, you can use those assets to give during your lifetime.

There are many assets that The Community Foundation may be able to accept when considering a planned gift. If you would like to discuss your charitable goals and how we may be able to assist you, please contact the team at The Community Foundation. We look forward to working with you to help you meet your current and planned charitable goals during 2024 and beyond! 

Out of School Activity Scholarships for DC Students Now Available!

Update: Due to unprecedented response, The Community Foundation has paused accepting new applications for the Learn 24 OST Scholarship program.

If you would like to be notified if the application is reopened, please send an email to
bmurphy@thecommunityfoundation.org to be placed on the waitlist.

Looking for fun and meaningful activities for your child this year? Additional funds for youth Scholarships for DC Students are now available through Learn24’s OST Youth Scholarship Program.

Learn24 is a network that supports equitable access to high-quality, Out-of-School-Time (“OST”) programs for the District’s students. Managed by the Greater Washington Community Foundation, Learn24’s  OST Youth Scholarship Program provides funding to help students and their families – especially those with specific needs – access the programs they need to strengthen their education, health, and well-being outside of school.

Examples of programs that the scholarship may support include, but are not limited to, programs designed specifically for students with disabilities, advanced learners, and English Language Learners.

Scholarships of up to $10,000 are available for individual students for use in approved OST activities, including both current fall activities and those expected to begin with the start of the new calendar year and summer 2024. The minimum scholarship award is $1,000. Scholarships are awarded based on individual need and availability of funding. Scholarship funds can be used for any OST activities that have a cost association up to the total scholarship amount.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and must be submitted online, using the link provided. No hard copy, email or faxed proposals will be accepted. Applications are reviewed periodically by The Community Foundation and approved by Learn24. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions within 4 weeks of application submission.

For those seeking additional information, click here to read the full RFP or watch this orientation video if you are interested in applying. The RFP and video are both available in Spanish (see below).

If you have questions, please contact Benton Murphy at bmurphy@thecommunityfoundation.org

Becas Extraescolar disponibles
para Jovenes de DC

Actualización: Debido al alto cantidad de respuestas, The Community Foundation no esta aceptando nuevas aplicaciones para el Learn 24 OST Scholarship program en este momento. Si te gustaria ser notificada cuando la aplicación reabre, por favor manda un email a ydelarosa@thecommunityfoundation.org para ser colocada en una lista de espera.

¿Estás en busca de actividades divertidas y significativas para su hijo este año? Ahora están disponibles fundos adicionales para becas para estudiantes de DC por medio del OST Youth Scholarship Program de Learn24

Learn24 es un rede que ayuda los estudiantes de DC a conseguir acceso equitativo a programación de alta-calidad extraescolares (Out-of-School)(OST). Administrado por the Greater Washington Community Foundation (Fundación Comunitaria de Greater Washington), el OST Youth Scholarship de Learn24 proporciona fundos para ayudar estudiantes y sus familias – especialmente los con necesidades específicas – a conseguir acceso a los programas que necesitan para fortalecer su educación, salud, y bienestar fuera de la escuela.

Ejemplos de los programas que califiquen para la aplicación de esta beca incluyen pero no se limitan a programas designada específicamente para estudiantes con discapacidades, estudiantes avanzadas, y estudiantes aprendiendo inglés.

Becas para estudiantes individuales de hasta $10,000 están disponibles para uso en actividades aprobados de OST – incluyendo actividades de otoño que ya están en curso y los que están programado para empezar en el año nuevo o el verano de 2024. La cantidad mínima de las becas es $1,000. Becas son adjudicados dependiente de la necesidad individual y la disponibilidad de los fundos. Becas pueden ser utilizadas para cualesquiera actividades de OST que tienen una cuesta asociada hasta la cantidad total de la beca.

Las aplicaciones serán aceptas de manera continua y deben ser presentadas online, usando el link providenciado. Propuestas de papel, email, o fax no serán aceptas. Aplicaciones están revisados periódicamente por The Community Foundation y aprobado por Learn24. Aplicantes serán notificado de las decisiones de los fundos entre 4 semanas de presentar la aplicación.

Para los que buscan informaciones adicionales, clique aquí para ler el Request for Proposals (solicitud para propuestas)(RFP) completo o asistir este vídeo de orientación para los que están interesados en aplicar. Ambos el vídeo y RFP están disponibles en español.

Para preguntas adicionales, contacta Yorman Delarosa a ydelarosa@thecommunityfoundation.org

Reimagine Work: Aligning Workforce Development within an Economic Justice Framework

In 2007, The Greater Washington Community Foundation and partners launched the Greater Washington Workforce Development Collaborative, to bring philanthropy together to fund support system responses to address high unemployment at a time when our region’s neighbors were being negatively impacted by an economic recession. 

Thirteen years later, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed economic realities in our country and our region that had long been there. Deep structural flaws in the American system of work, the labor market, and entrenched racial and economic inequity.

We heard from workers and organizations across our region that the lack of paid family leave, adequate and affordable childcare, irregular scheduling practices, and too few opportunities for workers to take collective action, to name of a few, contributed to a sense that the American system of work was deeply flawed.

Today, the Collaborative is pleased to share that we have heard you and we are committed to working differently. 

In 2022, we made the risky but necessary decision to pause and engage in a robust listening and learning discovery process to explore:  the collaborative’s position in the community and within the ecosystem, the needs of the community and organizations to advance policy and systems solutions to economic inequity in the region and if a revised direction of the Collaborative was needed.  The same spirit that propelled the creation of the Collaborative propelled it to reevaluate its role and position in the continued fight for economic justice.  

We know that our economy leaves too many people behind and our workforce development systems often fall short in providing true opportunity for many - particularly for Black, Indigenous, immigrant, people of color, ethnic minorities, women, youth, and other people with intersecting identities.

Indeed, recent analysis has illuminated that Black unemployment in DC is nearly 7 times higher than white unemployment and geographically concentrated. In 2022, average Black unemployment was 9.6 percent, compared to only 1.4 percent among DC’s white workers, a ratio of nearly 7 to 1, the worst in the nation.

As we look ahead, the Greater Washington Workforce Collaborative is evolving our name, mission, vision, and frameworks that will guide our investments and decision making toward advancing economic justice, equity, and regenerative philanthropic practices. 

Our new name - Reimagine - reflects our earnest interest and commitment to working alongside stakeholders and the community to advance systemic workforce development solutions rooted in economic justice and with a focus on reimagining, redistributing, and rebalancing work, opportunity, and sustainability. Our efforts are rooted in a human rights orientation that center workers with a commitment to rest and restorative practices.

The inputs that propelled our collaborative to pause and consider our collective understanding that how and to what ends we organize as a group of funders, engage with one another and our partners, right-size power, make our decisions, and choose our strategies brought us to this moment to Reimagine what is possible in our region and the role of philanthropy.

“The Community Foundation is excited to ‘Reimagine’ what is possible in our region and the role of philanthropy through this initiative,” Tonia Wellons, President & CEO of The Community shared. “By adapting our frameworks, models, and orientations to the needs of our community, we are better prepared to not only make a greater philanthropic impact but also to achieve our vision of closing our region’s racial wealth gap.”

We know that this is just the beginning. 

We welcome like-minded investors and funders to join this evolving funder collaborative. We invite community members and organizations to shape and contribute to our vision and strategies.

We aspire to learn together, co-create alongside a broader set of community partners, and to continuously evolve our understanding and operationalization of regenerative philanthropic practices rooted in economic justice and shared prosperity for the region.

If you are interested in learning more about our journey and next steps, please contact Dawnn Leary at dleary@thecommunityfoundation.org

Building Community: Remembering the Legacy of Joe Horning, Jr

Joe and Lynne Horning as featured in The Community Foundation’s 2004-2005 Annual Report.

The Community Foundation mourns the passing of Joe Horning Jr, co-founder of Horning Brothers development group.

Over Joe's 60-year career, Horning Brothers built housing in all eight of DC's wards -- with a particular focus on equity and revitalizing neighborhoods across the city. He collaborated with and supported nonprofit community development corporations from Anacostia to North Capitol Street to Columbia Heights. Attuned to affordable housing challenges in Washington, DC, he worked alongside and hired people who shared his commitment to the entire city, with a particular focus on Black residents and their communities.

"Joe was a deeply spiritual man, whose compassion guided a commitment to better the lives of those marginalized and less fortunate than he was," according to the family statement.

Joe Horning, Jr, with son Joe Horning, III (far left) and David Roodberg, Member of The Community Foundation Board of Trustees (immediate left)

In addition to his professional investments, Joe and his family were heavily involved in developing our region through their philanthropy. Together with his wife and four children, Joe established the San Miguel Foundation Fund (now the Horning Family Fund) at The Community Foundation.

The fund which was established in 1990 has distributed millions of dollars to causes across the region from education to the arts and helped transform the work of hundreds of nonprofit organizations.

Joe & Lynne Horning receive the Spirit of Philanthropy Award at The Community Foundation’s 2016 Celebration of Philanthropy.

The Community Foundation was honored to celebrate Joe and Lynne's legacy at the 2016 Celebration of Philanthropy as we presented them with the 2016 Spirit of Philanthropy Award.

"Joe was committed to connecting with community," the Horning family shared in a statement. "In lieu of flowers, show up, get involved, and be generous."

Washington AIDS Partnership Celebrates 35 Years of Philanthropic Impact in DC

Americorps Volunteers with the Washington AIDS Partnership pose with VP Al Gore and his wife at the unveiling of the AIDS Memorial Quilt on the National Mall (1996)

One of the most successful philanthropic partnerships in our region’s history celebrated its final milestone last month, as the Washington AIDS Partnership closed its doors for the last time. Over the past 35 years, the Partnership distributed more than $35 million to 129 different organizations across DC.

“The work to address HIV and AIDS is not over,” the Partnership’s long-time Executive Director Channing Wickham shared. “Yet the Washington AIDS Partnership’s role in the fight to end the local epidemic is coming to a close.”

Channing Wickham, Executive Director of the Washington AIDS Partnership

“We are proud to have helped change how HIV and AIDS treatment and care are delivered in our region.”

“Philanthropy’s job is to identify problems and fund solutions,” Kathy Whelpley, former chair of the Washington AIDS Partnership Steering Committee added. “But best practices is to acknowledge when progress has been achieved and when there is more urgent need for those philanthropic dollars.”

The Washington AIDS Partnership was founded by a group of 20 philanthropic foundations -- including The Community Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Meyer Foundation, and others -- who came together to fund a response to an urgent public health crisis – the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

In 1988, the Washington, DC region had the fifth-highest infection rate of HIV/AIDS in the nation. To date, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has claimed more than 700,000 lives nationwide. At the time, there was no real infrastructure to address HIV or AIDS – which had no known treatment or cure and was often fatal to those who contracted the disease.

Incubated by the Meyer Foundation and later housed at the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (now Philanthropy DMV), the Washington AIDS Partnership quickly established itself as the leading regional partner in the fight against the AIDS/HIV pandemic.  They collaborated with DC government agencies and nonprofit organizations to pilot a wide-range of programs including outreach and prevention initiatives like She Comes First – a program for Black women run by Black women.

As a philanthropic collaborative, the Partnership created long-standing relationships between local funders, government officials, and community members – especially those most impacted by the AIDS epidemic. They supported innovative community-driven strategies that have now been adopted as best common practices by AIDS prevention organizations across the country.

“We created a mechanism where community, philanthropy, and people with HIV could get together in the same room to talk through proposals and make the right decisions on where that money should go,” Wickham shared. “In doing so, we created a place where there was expertise that did not exist in individual foundations.”

The 2005 Annual Report Card for the DC Government’s HIV/AIDS Response

The Partnership’s holistic approach to tackling pressing issues helped lay the groundwork for future initiatives in the region, such as The Community Foundation’s Partnership to End Homelessness and others.

The Washington AIDS Partnership also advocated for changes in local and federal policy. The Partnership teamed up with DC Appleseed to release annual ‘report cards’ which included indicators on the DC Government’s response to the epidemic and where further investment and advocacy was needed.

“The Partnership’s ability to read what was coming down the line and be flexible and entrepreneurial – from grantmaking, to direct services, to policy work, to syringe exchange, to harm reduction….is why it thrived for 35 years,” Mardell Moffett, Chair of the Washington AIDS Partnership Steering Committee and Executive Director of the Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation shared. “The organization changed as it needed to change over time to where the disease was moving.”

Part of that momentum was driven by the Partnership’s collaboration with the Americorps Program, which since 1996, has brought more than 300 volunteers to work and serve in the DC area.

Americorps Volunteers with the Washington AIDS Partnership in 2000

These Americorps volunteers were instrumental in providing health education services, HIV testing and counseling, and helping thousands gain access to primary and mental health care. Many of these volunteers have gone on to successful careers in the field of public health and continue to advocate for communities impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

“The Washington AIDS Partnership truly laid the foundation for future philanthropists to follow,” Tonia Wellons, President & CEO of The Community Foundation shared. “They demonstrated not only how to make a difference in public health, but also how to do so in a way that engaged and empowered the community in a just and equitable way.”

Meet Our Spirit of Philanthropy Award Honoree – Alex Orfinger



The Community Foundation is thrilled to honor Alex Orfinger with the 2024 Spirit of Philanthropy Award. Working at the intersection of business and community, Alex’s work shines a light on vital social issues such as economic recovery and income disparity, and why these issues matter to the business community.  He is actively engaged in the philanthropic community and has made a significant impact on our region through his investment of time and resources to support some of the region’s leading nonprofit organizations.

Alex believes what is good for business is also good for the greater community. Alex is a champion of collaboration and is dedicated to developing relationships that strengthen the connection among business leaders and between the business and philanthropic communities.

For over two decades serving as Publisher of the Washington Business Journal, Alex has worked out front and behind the scenes to develop a strong identity for the region's business sector. The core purpose of the Washington Business Journal is to help local business grow by providing leaders with the information they need to get their work done, including leads, competitive intelligence, and knowledge about who was doing what and with whom.

His Business Journal team continues to report on the diversity of the business community. Through the pages of the Business Journal, they tell the stories of companies, the personalities who run them, and what makes leaders tick.
Beyond reporting, Alex and the Washington Business Journal bring leaders and business people together – including senior executives from across the region and across industry sectors. These are places where deals are consummated, connections are made, and regional problems are solved.

Alex is also actively engaged in the philanthropic community. He is passionate about fostering relationships and believes that the cross-pollination of business and nonprofit contacts results in better business and a stronger community. As the Chair of Jubilee Housing’s Board of Directors, Alex helped the organization raise $5.27 million towards its Housing Justice campaign. In addition, Alex previously served two terms as the Secretary of The Community Foundation’s Board of Directors and founded and launched the David Bradt Nonprofit Education Fund to honor his friend by supporting nonprofit leaders to attend intensive executive training programs. Currently, Alex serves as board chair of Leadership Greater Washington, the region’s largest talent and leadership incubator. 

“Say Their Name, Say Their Name” Advocates Call for Action at Annual Vigil For Those Who Have Died Without Housing

Days before Christmas, friends and advocates for DC’s homeless community gathered around an empty coffin at Luther Place Memorial Church for the 11th Annual Vigil honoring DC residents who died without housing in 2023.

The event is an annual holiday tradition that many say they have become weary -- and wary -- of celebrating, as the number of those who died without housing in DC continues to rise.

“Ninety people died without housing this year,” Rachelle Ellison, Assistant Director at the People for Fairness Coalition shared to an audience of about 60 people gathered at the church.

“Last year it was 77 – more than 17% increase.”
“It’s so sad that the number of deaths just keeps going up.”

A young Vigil attendee and his mother pay their respects to the 90 DC Residents who died without housing in DC.

With local forecasters predicting above average snowfall this winter, advocates fear that unless more action is taken, the trend will likely carry over into the New Year.

“So many of these people - we don’t see their names – but they are humans. They matter,” shared Reginald Black, lead organizer with the People for Fairness Coalition.

“I spent 10 years – 10 long years homeless.”

“Any one of those years, I could have been one of the names; one of the initials; one of the ages on this list.”

“We need to raise our voices that housing is a human right and that those whom this casket represents were denied that right,” Black added.

Black also pointed out the need to incorporate racial equity into policies to end homelessness. Of the 90 DC residents who died without housing this year, 80 percent of them were Black.

“We can and must do better.”

Following the service, the participants filed out onto 14th Street where they followed the empty coffin on a mile-long march towards Freedom Plaza.

For some in the procession, this was their first time at the annual Vigil – which has become something of a somber holiday tradition in the homeless community.

The White House looms in the background as housing advocates gather at Freedom Plaza

For those at the front of the procession; the pallbearers – especially those with ‘lived experience’ of homelessness, the experience marks a milestone of far too many cold sleepless nights and far too many friends needlessly lost.

“I’ve been doing this for three years now,” one pallbearer shared at an open mic gathering held at the end of the march. “It’s sad to keep seeing the same results. But I know it’s important to put our heart on the line and raise our voices.”

“We need to advocate, to be concerned, and to raise awareness– this is an issue that can be solved.”

Perhaps most concerning to housing advocates is the number of deaths that were nearly prevented. Close to 70% of those on the list had received a housing voucher but died before they could be housed – that’s up from more than 60% in 2022.

The list of those who died without housing in 2022 compared with the list from 2023

The harrowing statistic outlines what advocates say is one of the biggest existing gaps in a housing system where people too often fall through the cracks.

“It is disappointing how often this city gives up on people who are unhoused,” Council Member Janeese Lewis (Ward 4) shared at the vigil. “We shouldn’t ever give up on anyone.”

Council Member Lewis and her staff attended the vigil to honor the memory of one of their constituents, David Ashmore, a lifetime Ward 4 resident and close friend of Council Member Lewis. Mr. Ashmore experienced homelessness for 30 years before he passed away in July 2023.

DC Council Member Janeese Lewis (Ward 4) at the annual Vigil for those who died without housing in 2023.

Council Member Lewis shared that, like many people who experience homelessness, Mr. Ashmore had lost faith in the government and the housing system.

“We spent months visiting with him, building a relationship with him, before he trusted us enough to help him with the housing voucher process.”

Council Member Lewis explained that although housing advocates had tried to help Mr. Ashmore with the housing voucher application in the past, few had taken sufficient time to guide him through the paperwork.

“All he asked was to know what he was signing,” Council Member Lewis explained. “It took us three hours to go through the application with him – but three hours is worth the time for someone who’s been on the streets for 30 years.”

Even after receiving his voucher, Mr. Ashmore still faced an uphill battle, as he now needed to find an apartment that would meet his needs and accept his voucher. Council Member Lewis and her team were in the process of helping Mr. Ashmore visit apartments when he passed away in July.

“Mr. Ashmore had so many people behind him – he had a DC Council Member behind him -- yet he died on the streets,” Council Member Lewis shared. “Mr. Ashmore deserved better from our city.”

DC Council Member Robert White (At-Large) at the annual Vigil for those who died without housing in 2023.

Also in attendance was Council Member Robert White (At-Large), who thanked advocates, including the People for Fairness Coalition for their efforts to raise awareness of the need for further investment and systems change in homeless services.

“Because of you all, I know there are folks in this city who care,” Council Member White shared. “Thank you for continuing to remind us of the work that is truly important – the work that needs to be done.”

The Community Foundation’s Partnership to End Homelessness is proud to partner with advocates like the People for Fairness Coalition in our efforts to end homelessness in DC.

The Partnership to End Homelessness is a public-private partnership that convenes government agencies, funders, and advocates to create more supportive and deeply affordable housing and lead strategic and sustainable investment in the homeless services system.

For more information, visit  

A Year in Review: Looking Back at the Top Milestones from 2023

2023 was a year full of milestones for The Community Foundation and our community of changemakers – from celebrating our 50th Anniversary at the National Museum of African American History & Culture, to launching the first guaranteed income program in Prince George’s County, to kick-starting a capital campaign for economic justice. Here are some of our most meaningful milestones from 2023.

Celebrating History, Hope & Healing at our 50th Anniversary Celebration of Philanthropy at the National Museum of African American History and Culture

On May 3rd, The Community Foundation hosted the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Philanthropy – celebrating 50 Years of History, Hope, and Healing in the Greater Washington region. Leading up to the celebration, The Community Foundation spotlighted the work of outstanding philanthropic leaders and donors over the course of our organization’s history – past, present, and future – including leaders like Peggy Cooper Cafritz, Vicki & Roger Sant, Bob Linowes, The Honorable Wayne Curry, and others.

Chief among these was our 2023 Spirit of Philanthropy Honoree, Terri Lee Freeman – the longest-serving and first Black female President and CEO of The Community Foundation from 1996-2014. We were delighted to celebrate her legacy during an unforgettable evening at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Convening Faith & Philanthropy to foster belonging and strengthen our region

In February, The Community Foundation expanded our dialogue with faith leaders by partnering with The Jewish Community Foundation and other faith leaders to discuss ways in which our region’s Black and Jewish communities can operate with greater alignment, solidarity, and allyship to address antisemitism, anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, and bigotry more broadly.

In June, The Community Foundation hosted the second annual Faith & Philanthropy Summit, which included a dialogue between Christian & Jewish faith leaders from across the region to help set a baseline understanding of reparative justice through the lens of faith traditions.

Looking to 2024, The Community Foundation remains committed to strengthening ties across our region’s vibrant and diverse faith community to foster belonging and build a stronger and more equitable region.

Together, We Prosper: Making a Stand for Economic Justice

In May 2023, The Community Foundation launched Together, We Prosper, a three-year campaign to jump-start our vision of economic justice and build permanent resources to ensure The Community Foundation’s ability to respond to today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges.

In conjunction with the campaign, The Community Foundation hosted a series of webinars titled "In Pursuit of Economic Justice” – designed to bring together experts to explore innovative approaches to closing the racial wealth gap. The series featured national leaders in the guaranteed income movement and advocates for wealth building programs such as Children’s Saving’s Accounts.

Celebrating Tonia Wellons’ leadership in the greater washington region

In October, we were thrilled to celebrate our President & CEO, Tonia Wellons as she was named to the Washington Business Journal’s 2023 list of “Women Who Mean Business” and Washingtonian Magazine’s 2023 “Most Powerful Women in Washington” in recognition of her outstanding leadership and commitment to racial and economic justice. In honor of her achievements, members of our Board of Directors helped create a special tribute video to celebrate.

Health Equity Fund Celebrates One Year of Transformative Grantmaking

In October, The Community Foundation’s Health Equity Fund celebrated an exciting milestone – awarding more than $21 million in grants to 46 organizations in just 12 months. The fund recently announced a new grant round which aims to award at least twice that amount over the next 3 years – making it one of the most transformative impact funds in The Community Foundation’s history.

Announced in March 2022, The $95 Million Health Equity Fund is dedicated to closing gaps in healthcare as well as addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) that impact health outcomes including education, employment, income, housing, transportation, nutrition, environmental safety, medical care, culture and recreation, and more.

Celebrating Four Years of the Partnership to End Homelessness in DC

This year also marked the fourth anniversary of the Partnership to End Homelessness in DC. Since its launch, the Partnership has leveraged and aligned over $18 million in private sector resources. At the same time, advocacy efforts have resulted in over 4,000 permanent supportive housing vouchers to end homelessness for 3,106 individuals and 1,217 families.

In October, The Partnership hosted friends and supporters at the Festival Center in Northwest DC to discuss the initiative’s progress and hear from advocates and service providers. They also participated in a walking tour of the neighborhood, including several stops at affordable housing projects under development.

championing Philanthropy and economic justice in Prince George’s County

While The Community Foundation celebrated 50 years of impact in the Greater Washington region, it also celebrated the 25th anniversary of its local office in Prince George’s County. Since 1998, The Community Foundation and our fundholders are proud to have invested more than $65 million in Prince George’s County. In October, The Community Foundation gathered with outstanding nonprofit and civic leaders from across the county to celebrate at the 2023 Civic Leadership Awards at MGM National Harbor.

Three weeks later, The Community Foundation gathered again in Largo at the Wayne K. Curry Building to announce the launch of Thrive Prince George’s – the first-ever guaranteed income pilot in Prince George’s County.

The two-year, $4 million initiative will provide monthly payments of $800 to 50 youth (age 18-24) who have aged out of foster care and 125+ seniors (age 60+) for a 24-month period with no strings attached and no requirements tied to employment. Thrive Prince George’s is a public-private partnership that will leverage both public and private philanthropic resources from the Greater Washington Community Foundation, Prince George’s County Executive and Council, and the Meyer Foundation.

Celebrating a Legacy of Philanthropy in Montgomery County

On November 16th, donors and community partners across Montgomery County gathered for the annual Celebration of Giving.  The event included a moving memorial tribute to the Founding Executive Director of The Community Foundation in Montgomery County, Sally Rudney who passed away this year – as well as a report on the more than $9.5 million that The Community Foundation’s network of donors gave to nonprofits this past year.

The event also honored Mary Pat Alcus – the 2023 Montgomery County Philanthropist of the Year – for her outstanding contributions to philanthropy in Montgomery County.

Continuing Our Learning Journey at the DMV Community Book Group

Our quarterly DMV Community Book Group hosted several riveting discussions this past year that created invaluable space for conversations with community partners and fundholders around economic and social justice.

In March, we dove into the world of cooperative economics with Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Professor at City University of New York and author of the book Collective Courage: The History of African American Economic Thought and Practice.

That was followed by a discussion of Rob Hopkins’ From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want.

We closed out the year in December with Jennifer Vanica, author of Courageous Philanthropy: Going Public in a Closely Held World, as together we explored how to promote sustainable, community-driven wealth building.

Building Community, Fostering Belonging & Sharing Prosperity at the 2023 Annual Meeting

In October, The Community Foundation hosted its 2023 Annual Meeting at the National Press Club. The event capped off another exciting year of growth and community impact for The Community Foundation and its donors and partners – which surpassed $1.7 billion in grantmaking.

The event included a panel discussion around fostering belonging and building community –an important topic that ties into The Community Foundation’s strategic vision and Together, We Prosper Campaign. The panel included Cat Goughnour Racial Equity Fellow at Prosperity Now and Bobby Milstein, Director of System Strategy for the Rippel Foundation.

Ceding Power and Seeding Community Wealth Building in DC Ward 7 & 8

This past year, The Community Foundation, JP Morgan Chase, and our nonprofit partners collaborated to invest in community wealth building in DC Ward 7 & 8.

In August, Martha’s Table announced the second round of grants through the Community Impact Fund, which provided $10,000 grants to high-impact organizations based in Ward 8. The Community Foundation and JP Morgan Chase partnered to match these initial grants through the Equitable Development Fund.

In October, The Community Foundation and JP Morgan Chase convened funders and nonprofit partners at the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization in Ward 7 to hear directly from community partners about the best ways to promote community wealth building and equitable development in DC Wards 7 & 8.