COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is a Model for Future Crises — Greater Washington Community Foundation

COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is a Model for Future Crises

By Benton Murphy

Almost every facet of our everyday lives were deeply, fundamentally, and permanently changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ripple effects of the pandemic have impacted the places we choose to live, how we work with our colleagues, how our children learn, and how we interact socially. Our world now is so different than the one we experienced when the pandemic first hit in February 2020. Now with two and a half years’ worth of hindsight, we can say that some of these changes are for the better and many are for the worse, while it will take years to fully understand the impact of these changes.

Looking back on the past two years, we now have a better sense of how our efforts to support and protect this community made a lasting impact.  The Community Foundation's COVID-19 emergency response effort began in March 2020 when the pandemic was just unfolding, and quickly grew into the largest coordinated philanthropic response focused on the Greater Washington region. Thanks to an outpouring of support from our donors, partners, and broader community, we ultimately distributed more than $91 million in support of COVID-19 emergency response impacting disproportionately impacted communities all throughout Greater Washington. Our funding supported critical efforts across a number of different issue areas ranging from housing to education to emergency food and healthcare.

Our investments were not only aligned to address the pandemic's immediate impacts, but we were also able to support organizations through a race equity frame. We concentrated resources in neighborhoods with disproportionate number of individuals impacted by COVID-19, primarily people and communities of color. Additionally, 57% of the organizations supported through our Emergency Response Fund were led by people of color. 

Our staff and partners also sought to align our investments around initiatives and projects intended to support system change in the face of the pandemic. We collaborated with healthcare providers to make PPE available to hundreds of local, smaller healthcare clinics and providers. We supported parents and children's ability to learn remotely in a safe and impactful environment in Montgomery County. We supported hundreds of small and local businesses and entrepreneurs in Prince George’s County to whether the economic impacts of the pandemic. These are just a handful of examples of the ways in which The Community Foundation provided support to help strengthen the region to be better prepared to face our next crisis, together. 

As we start to close this chapter and move from crisis to recovery, we are thrilled to report that more than 330,000 individuals in our region benefited from your generosity. Thanks to you, nearly 850,000 meals were provided; more than 100,000 people received tools to enable them to work or learn from home, safely; and nearly 45,000 people directly received cash assistance to help them weather the pandemic. You can read our final impact report to the community here.

At the Community Foundation we are always striving to make an immediate impact as well as lasting systemic change, and our COVID efforts proved to be excellent examples of how were able to accomplish this. Moving forward, we will be using our COVID effort as a template to respond to disasters that impact our region. This has led us to establish an Endowment for Disaster Recovery so that we can be prepared to help our region remain resilient in the face of future crises.